I have been friends with Kirsten, Abby and Desiree for the past 2 or 3 years. Met Kristen through a mutual friend, met Desiree in my ward and met Abby through Desiree. We were all single when we met and have kept in touch. Kristen and Dallas were in town last weekend for a wedding, so we decided to get together with our boys for dinner. We had a blast. These girls are so much fun and have become such dear friends over the last few years. It makes me happy when my good friends have found good men to marry, and these girls certainly have. Hopefully I will get there one day too...
We tried to re-create a picture we took a couple years ago while we were all single. Didn't turn out as cute, but we had fun trying.

Yes, girlfriends are one of life's eternal treasures. So glad you have good ones.
Yeah for girl friends! That was such a fun night. I'm glad we took advantage of Kirsten and Dallas being in town. That was fun. :)
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