
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Sunday, December 18, 2016

They Say It's My Birthday, Happy Birthday to Me...

If I'm being honest... it is a little scary how fast the years are going by now and that I am 34 and STILL SINGLE and nowhere close to getting married. *sigh* at least I am living up the single life. I wasn't on vacation this year for my birthday like I was last year... but I was before and after. Ha ha. Not too shabby.

This is the first year EVER that I was really happy that my birthday fell on a Sunday. Why? It was a great excuse of why I didn't do anything for my birthday with friends and I knew my family would celebrate. I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday and I don't feel like I have any SUPER good friends that would care too much. Lolly kind of forgot about my birthday but she still sent me a gift. I tried really hard to forget that it was my birthday actually. I didn't want to turn 34 and I didn't want to think about the fact that I didn't have any fun plans with close friends that wanted to celebrate with me. Hard to forget though when Facebook tells everyone it is your birthday. So... I did get Facebook birthday messages all day and birthday texts. I didn't hate that... I always like to hear from my family and friends, but it makes you realize that most of those people are nothing more than a yearly Facebook happy birthday friend. Oh well. One of the most fun things was hearing from all of my friends that I have met across the globe. Friends from Italy, Israel, Australia, Brazil... In fact this message was one of my favorites. Mostly because the friend Stacey and I met in Brazil is just learning English and Stacey was trying to help him out and I found it adorable and hilarious.

Then of course I got my birthday dance from my favorite Swissie girls! Last year they sent me a dance video they made in the wilderness of Switzerland and I was secretly hoping they would send me another one this year. I was SOOOO happy when they did! They are the best and I love them both.

So I went to church in the morning... then relaxed at home for a bit and then over to my parents house to have dinner with the family. I wondered if they forgot about my birthday because my dad usually asks me what I want for my birthday dinner and I never got that call... but my mom did text me and asked me what kind of cake I wanted. So at least my mom remembered. So we had a yummy dinner and Uncle Dale and Aunt Teresa came over as well. I opened my presents and then we had yummy cake.

My mom got me some really cool stuff. She knows I love to travel and camp so she got me some cool new gear/ gadgets that I am excited to try out. Sierra and Reanne were very thoughtful and painted me pictures and wrote me cards. They are the sweetest. Oh! And Jamie sent me this cool necklace that says Bon Voyage! My family knows me well. I love it, I wear it all of the time.

Well... I guess this is what 34 looks like. Here's to another (hopefully) EPIC year! :)

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