
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bern, Switzerland

I am lucky enough to have friends the live in Switzerland that wanted me to visit and stay with them for free (which it is usually super expensive to visit Switzerland) although, that is just payback I guess from when we met and I let them stay with me when they were traveling here. Anyway, I stayed with Deb and her roommates. Deb lives in Bern. I had not done much research on Bern before I went, I was just excited to see my friends no matter where they lived. Honestly, it didn't matter where they lived because everywhere you turn looks like a postcard. That being said, Bern is a gorgeous city. I just kept thinking.. I am so lucky that my friends I am visiting live HERE! I fell in love with this city REAL quick.

I found this art of the city in a window when we were walking around Bern. I wanted to buy them and hang them in my house so bad... but I couldn't find if they were for sale or not. It looked like an artists shop. Anyway, I had to settle for pictures of the art.

Deb also introduced me to a delicious gelato shop right down the street from her place, so we ate there a couple of times because you can't beat European Gelato.

Deb and her roommate Sarah took me out to a local bar one night to hang out. After making me a swiss cheese fondue of course.

The rest of the pictures are from exploring the city with Deb and Alessandra. A perfect day. And you can see by the pictures why I fell in love with this city.

 Caught the sun shinning through the clock tower.
 See those mountains in the distance? It was hard to capture how beautiful it was.