By the title, you probably think that I am about to tell you about a guy at work that I have a crush on. Well... you are wrong, I am going to tell you about a guy at work that has a little crush on me. This wouldn't be an interesting story, except for the fact that he is 18 and just got out of high school. At first I think he assumed that I was 22 or 23 and was always telling me how he liked to date older women. There was just too much teasing going on at work about him liking me that I had to tell him that I was really 25 and graduated from high school 7 years ago. I thought this would change things, but he soon got my phone number and started texting me all the time and telling me that I could cuddle with him anytime if I ever wanted to and that I shouldn't be ashamed to ever hang out with him just because he is younger. It has been the joke at work that he has a crush on me, and he never fights the idea. Anyway, I have never cared because obviously I would never go for him even if he is the only guy interested in me right now. The best part of this whole thing is what happened last weekend. He came to a slip n slide activity that I put on with a friend at the park. He had gone to the fair the night before with some friends from work. When he got to the park he came to say hi to me and told me that he saw something at the fair and couldn't resist and had to buy it for me. I had never received such a gift before. It was a pair of bottle cap earings with a picture of David Archuleta on them. It was sweet because he knows how I love David A, but they are quite the earings. HA! I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't have my ears pierced, but that does give me an excellent excuse to never have to wear them. Since then, he keeps asking me if I am going to write him on his mission.... I still have not given him an answer.