Highlights of the concert. 1-David Archuleta Live and up close 2- Great Seat 3- Michael Johns wearing a David Archuleta shirt for the concert 4- David Archuleta sporting his high school sweater (school pride) for the last number 5- Carly Smithson telling everyone that Brooke took her to see the Temple and told her SLC "This is the place" 6- Watching David Archuleta's proud dad a few feet from the left of me watching his son with a big grin.
Highlights after the concert 1- Watching all the David Archuleta stalker fans wait for him to come out and compete with who knew more about him and who was going to be the one to marry him (young and old fans) 2- Watching someone give David A a New Era for next month that has not come out yet (I guess he is in it) .... only in Utah 3- Being one of the screaming fans that I normally make fun of 4- Me singing to David Cook "Hello, is it me your looking for" as I hand him my ticket to autograph. 5- Me making small talk with David Archuleta... even though I really wanted a picture, it was almost impossible to make that happen, so I settled for an autograph and talking to him about how I listen to him at work..... conversation went as follows; "David, we listen to you at work almost everyday" - Me *chuckle* "Really? Where do you work?" - David A. "At Apx" - Me "I don't think I know what that is" David A. "David, it doesn't matter where I work, all the matters is that you sooth our stressful days when we listen to you sing" - Me "Awww, thanks so much" *giggle* - David A. 6- Seeing what Jason Castro was dressed in to sign autographs... that guy is such a hippie!

The End.