In case you are wondering, the title of this blog entree is the newest New Kids in the block "hit"... I know right? Who would have ever thought they would come back. I actually kinda like the song, but when I think about how old they all are singing about young girls in bikini's on the beach... I get kinda grossed out. But it is a very appropriate title for this entree. Now that it is officially fall, I thought I would blog about some of my favorite summertime activities and moments. So here are some highlights from my summer!

There was a couple of times during the summer that my friend Bart (in the ward) and I set up the slip n slide at the park next to our house. Truly a favorite summer activity and many hours of fun. We tried to invite a bunch of people in the ward... but mostly just my friends from work came... cause they are awesome, hands down. So this picture is of me and my work friends all going down together.

Another fun activity that my work friends and I did was go to the tumbling gym in Provo. I didn't even know this place existed, but it is pretty sweet. It is just a big room filled with trampolines and bouncy floors and ropes and best of all a big pit of foam pads so you can flip and do tricks off of the trampolines and have a nice little landing. This picture is of Lindsay and I jumping into the pit of foam.

Another fun tradition that I joined in on was Culture Night! This is a tradition that my friend (from work) Jordon and his friends started and he invited me in the group. It is where they pick a different culture restaurant to eat at every week (we did not go every week) and you get to eat new food, or food you don't have often. Before we head to the restaurant, we learn facts about that country and listen to their national anthem. This picture was taken on Japanese night. That was a good night, I love Japanese food. :o)

This summer, if you could not tell already, I hung out with people from work... a lot. So here we are again. We tried to have little department parties after work from time to time, cause our department (Record Management) rocks. Here we are (plus significant others) after our BBQ and games and then having some fun in the hot tub. I guess we all hung out a lot this summer because it is so busy at
Apx during the summer, it is like you live there. So you might as well hang out after work too right? It does make it easy to arrange since you are together all day every day. It is just nice that we enjoy each others company so much.

A big summer activity in Utah? The Rodeo. It was pretty fun because I had not been since I was a kid. So I first went to the Strawberry days festival Rodeo with
Jordy and Trev. We had a blast, especially since it was Trever's first Rodeo. He was pretty excited, even though you can't tell in this picture. Jordon even got all dressed up for the event. :o) My second Rodeo of the summer was with cousin Lauren! I went with Lauren and Uncle Dale and Aunt Teresa to the Rodeo in Spanish Fork on Pioneer Day... which followed by fireworks. It was a blast, and we had better seats from the last Rodeo I went to.

Ever been to Mona Utah? I had never even heard of Mona, but it is about a half hour south or so from Provo and it has a nice pond and a fun rope swing. So we got a group together from the ward and went to check it out. Turns out I saw some
le there that I knew. And it was a good time.

Last, I thought I would post a picture of me with Brian and Brent Christensen. Why? Because this summer, we started a dinner club. So maybe we were the only three in the club, but every week, so would invite someone different to our dinner that one of us would make (we switched off every week). Although Brian moved to Vegas, Brent and I have kept the tradition alive. Before dinner group, I really did not know these boys that well, but i am so glad we randomly decided to start it, because now they have become some of my very close friends. They are amazing.
All together, even though the summer was way busy with work, and I did not really get to go many places like many others, my summer was still very eventful and fun. Thanks to everyone that made it that way for me.