Another year older. Yesterday I turned the big 26! I am officially in my late 20's which kind of makes me sad and kind of makes me feel old... especially since I work with a lot of young students. But everyone always thinks that I am younger, so that makes me feel better. :o) Anyway, last year when I turned 25 I had hard time. Half way through your 20's, everyone telling you that you are a quarter of a century old. Its awesome. Plus that I always thought that I would be married by 25 and I did not even have any prospects. This year was a lot better. So many friends and family thought about me and sent me a note, or a card, or a little gift or called and SO many people wrote to me on facebook which is nice even though facebook tells you when people's birthdays are... it still somehow makes you feel good. ha ha. Having Brent this year though... I feel so blessed. He is so sweet to me I feel like I don't deserve it. I woke up and rushed downstairs to leave for work and I saw a vase full of BEAUTIFUL red roses and a note from Brent wishing me a happy birthday and a good day. How could I not have a good day after that. Then at work they decorated my cubical and we had a Christmas Party and Christmas celebration. So we had pizza and cake and it was just a really fun day. After work Brent took me out to dinner to this Seafood place that I had never been to before that was SOOO good. I loved it. Then we went to Kristy's house and she made me the most beautiful and delicouse cake ... from scratch because she is amazing and talented like that.