Another week failed on the diet. It is SO hard to get back on once you get off. Having quarter end for sure doesn't help either. All you do it sit at your desk for several hours while they feed you lots of food all day. Basically the perfect recipe for getting fat. It's rough, but at least after this... I will be SUPER motivated to get back on my diet because I feel gross. Ha ha. Also I found out that everyone else on my team also loves Sodalicious.
Speaking of Sodalicious, I just found out today that they have 4 locations in Utah now and two guys dropped out of school to open one up in Gilbert Arizona! I love that it is spreading.
Tuesday they offered flu shots at work. Just a week after I had the flu. It's fine. I never get the flu shot anyway, so I still would have gotten sick. Just a little funny.
Friday my roommate MacKenzie and I went and checked out the new IMAX theater they just put in near us on Geneva Road. It's awesome. Now we don't have to go to Sandy if we want to see a movie in the IMAX. We went and saw the second movie in the Maze Runner series. I liked it. I never read the books... but so far I have been enjoying the movies. I hadn't been to the movies in a long time, so it was fun to go.
Tomorrow all of the trick or treaters will come. I always pass out candy. It's fun to see co-workers and their spouses and children. Last year I was so irritated with the kids for being rude, I decided this year not to pass out candy. I remember saying that last year and I am sticking to it. Candy is expensive and if I am just going to be annoyed by the kids... then why do it? I know... I am a total grinch. I should have a better attitude, but oh well. Maybe next year I will pass out candy again.
I had my eyelash massage trade on Monday. Love catching up with Ali and it always is so nice to have full lashes again. They start to become quite annoying when they get grown out and not as many. Love having them though. Totally worth it. I think I've had them for almost 5 years now? Hard to imagine myself without them now. So glad I have Ali to trade with.
I'm still watching Pretty Little Liars. I told you it was going to take me a while. I am getting closer to catching up to the current seasons though. I am in the 5th season now and the 6th season is the season running right now. Still don't know who A is. I'm sure it will be like Gossip Girl and you won't find out until like the last episode. Still like it though. Don't know what I will watch next. One of my co-workers wants me to watch a travel show he watches. I could do that for sure... might be a bad thing for me though. Just makes me want to travel more, not that I don't get plenty in. Just makes me want to quite my job and travel for a year. That's the dream... but the real dream would be doing it with my future husband.
Wednesday my good friends Liz and Ben invited me over for dinner. It had been a while since we had hung out and caught up. They are so fun. Love them. We need to do it more often. I told them that next time I would make them dinner.
After dinner, Liz needed to go to Costco to get bread, so I went with her. Guess who I ran into there? John's parents. I was excited to see him. Love his family. They are great. So we got behind them in line and caught up a little bit. I can tell I caught them a little off guard and they didn't really know what to say to me... probably don't know if they should bring up John or not, but they were super nice and asked about my travels and yeah, it was fun to run into them.
I got new pillows for my bed while I was at Costco. I have been meaning to do this for a while. My pillows on my bed are SOOOO old. Seriously. It's find of gross when you think about it. One of my pillows I don't even use. It's a super old crappy feather pillow. My other pillow I have been using for almost 10 years and I wasn't sure I could find a pillow I liked as much as this one. It's a memory foam pillow that has a down case around it so it is the perfect combination of soft and firm. The down was getting super flat though. So anyway, I found these pillows at Costco (came in a pack of 2) that is memory foam, but in tons of pieces... so it is fluffy, but firm. It was only $10 for the pack of 2 so what was to lose? Anyway, I have now slept on them and I LOVE them. SOOO comfy. Glad I got them and now I have two so the pillows on my bed actually match. It's great. $10 well spent.
It's quarter end this week. Usually Paula and I take turns staying late. Not anymore. With our new boss, we now both have to stay late the last two nights... so today I have been at work for 15 hours. Tomorrow will be the same. They have taught me how to enter orders. So I am doing that. Ugh. Quarter End blows. I hate getting home to go straight to bed to wake up and do the same thing again tomorrow. I will NEVER be a workaholic. I don't even relate to those people. ha ha. This is what tonight looks like for me right now.

So I am the communications co-chair now right? My co-chair is the one that usually does the programs, but he was gone, so he asked me to do them and gave me a very detailed email explaining exactly how you do them. I have never cared about the program before, I never look at them, I usually just make paper cranes out of them. Anyway... because I was scrambling to get 100 copies of the program done in a short amount of time it got me thinking why we have them. I really really really don't see the point. I started asking a lot of people if they care about having a program, if they use them, only 2 people out of the many that I asked told me they actually care to have the program. I am really going to try and get rid of it... if I can.... depends on how convincing I can be to the right people. We shall see, but I think it is a huge waste of paper. I'm all about not wasting paper.
Speaking of church... you know how Stacey like to send me funny texts during church? Well... Sunday he took a picture of me sitting in church from where he was. He hashtagged #creepin it was a little on the creepy side. But funny. The funnier part about it is that the guy by me was looking at Stacey taking the picture of me and Stacey didn't notice until I pointed it out to him. So who is the real creeper? Good times.