
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sock Caterpillars

Tonight we did a service project for Relief Society. We made sock caterpillars for a place called "House of Hope" for kids that may not get any presents for Christmas. I had never made any sock animals before, but I figured these looked easy enough I would make one and go home.

They had an okay turn out for the activity, but not very many people actually made the sock caterpillars, plus it took a while to sew the eyes on, so it took a little longer than I thought and I ended up making 4. I didn't mind though. It's for the kids and I think they turned out pretty cute. It made me want to learn to make sock monkey's and make one for each one of my nieces and nephews. That would be a ton a work... we shall see. Maybe next year when I have given myself more time and maybe if we are all together for Christmas next year. Regardless... great little service project.

Here are the ones I made.

The group's done sock caterpillars (what was done when I left)

1 comment:

jamie hixon said...

Cute! Someone bought some cute socks.