
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Friday, January 20, 2017

Midway Ice Castles

Utah is the first state to get these man made ice castles. Lucky for me it is only a 20 minute drive up the canyon for me to go see. I went a few years ago, but I only saw them at night, and in 3 years, the ice castles have changed.

The first time I went, it was a small space that didn't take long to walk through. It was cool... for sure,  but now... now there are fire pits to stay warm, ice slides to go down, ice throwns to sit on, an ice fountain, music (of course they play the Frozen sound track) that goes to the lights in the ice. It is a lot larger... more to explore. Not only that but not only do they build one in Utah, but they have them in a few other states and Canada now. Pretty awesome.

I really wanted to go last year, but it closed down early because it got warm quickly. They also sell out... so this year, I thought ahead. I really wanted to go so on my way home from Mexico, I got online and booked 2 tickets and figured I would be able to find someone to go with me by the time it got to the day I bought tickets for. And I did, Lacy! She told me she wanted to go and her husband didn't want to go again, so I told her to come with me. Perfect.

Since I only went at night the last time (and only time) I went, I decided that this time, I wanted to get there before it got dark and then stick around until it did get dark and the lights came on. So we could experience both. It was perfect. It definitely got more crowded the later it got, so we were ready to peace out soon after the sun went down. We had a great time and got a lot of fun pictures... so get ready for a picture overload. :)

1 comment:

Lori said...

That looks pretty amazing! How cool~