
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 283

Quarter end is over and I feel like I am busier now at work than I was during quarter end. Weird. I'm glad quarter end is over regardless. I just feel fat. My new department eats A TON during quarter end. Everyday of the last few days of the quarter they just keep bringing more and more food. I feel gross. Diet starts Monday.

Weekend was frustrating but good. I already blogged about that... but it was fun to go to some new places. I love always finding new places to go and explore. I have seen more of Utah than any other state... including the one I grew up in. I have probably seen more of Utah than some people that grew up in Utah. It's been fun. I want to start exploring other states now. Just takes a little more time and money and convincing the right people to go with you. 

Monday I got off of work at 1pm. SO nice. I wish I would have known ahead of time that I was going to get off that early because I would have planned to go on a hike or something. However... I was pretty productive at home, so that was good. I also hung out with MacKenzie... we always have a good time together. I love it now that she quite her night job, so she is around more. 

Tuesday I went to the temple. The Provo Temple is always a little crowded I feel like... no matter when you go. It's worth it though. Even if I have to sit and wait.... it's nice to be there. 

Tuesday night my friend James also came over. He is in town from California. He ALWAYS contacts me when he is in town. It's not a bad thing... as long as it is not a long period of time, and it's better if other people are around. I usually have to kick him out when I want him to leave too because otherwise he won't leave. He doesn't really pick up on hints. Ha ha. Bless his heart. 

Yesterday I planned a little afterwork adventure with a friend. It's a girl I met on the Havasupai trip almost 2 years ago. We didn't really hang out on that trip because I was with John and Allyson the entire time, but sometime at the end... we added each other on Facebook and Instagram. I actually ended up unfollowing her on both after a couple of months... but she would still like and comment on my Instagram's every once in a while. On my last trip when I saw that she liked my Instagram I added her back. Since then I have noticed we both love the outdoors and would go on the same hikes. Last week she commented on one of my pictures asking me where it was... so I commented back that we should hike together sometime. Then our phone numbers were exchanged and Wednesday we met up and went to explore the Uinta mountains. Turns out, we had a blast together and are planning other adventures. I will blog about that later. It's amazing to me how many good friends I have made just by reaching out and offering to do something together. Turns out she goes on hikes by herself too. We really want to go and do the same things, so I think I have found another adventure buddy. I love that. I love all of the friends I have made from random connections. Friends of friends or friends met on trips. 

Speaking of random friends. I have also stayed in touch with the girls from Switzerland that couch surfed with me a few months back. They are the sweetest. Today they sent me pictures of the both of them wearing Utah Sweaters that they found at H&M in Switzerland. They thought of me and had to share. Sweet girls. I hope that I get to visit them in Switzerland one day. They still tell me how much they loved Utah. Especially Provo. This is why I love couch surfing. I have met great people from around the world. 

So I thought I finished Heartland today. I got to the last episode of season 6. When I started Heartland I thought it was over because there were 6 seasons on Netflix and the last one ended in 2012... so I figured if there were more seasons they would also be on Netflix, therefore it was a safe bet that the show was over. Well... when I finished the last episode of season 6... it was a cliff hanger. I thought to myself... they wouldn't end the show like this! Even if it got canceled, they would try and wrap it up and give some conclusion to the show. So I googled how many seasons there were to Heartland. Turns out there are 8... and maybe they will film a 9th? I don't know. So... I had to go find some sketchy website to watch the other two seasons... so I am on season 7. Who knew this show was so popular that it would go for this long. I can see why though. It's a family friendly easy watch. It's a feel good show. I have been binge watching it and I'm not sick of it yet... so I guess that says something right? So... I'll let you know what I think when I get to the end of the 8th season.

Today has been a lazy day. I just came home from work and have been working on my video for my trip. I already know it's going to be a long video. I'm trying to make it so non of the clips are too long, but we just did so much! Hopefully I can make it great. It just takes so long going through all of the videos. I think once I choose all of the video's that I want and have them all in the project I'm working on, it will be easier to cut the videos and make it all flow. Just need to go through all the videos and decide what I want in there. Hopefully this project won't drag out too long. I want to just get it done so that I don't have to worry about it. Then I can start on the book. On another note, for dinner today I went and tried somewhere new to eat before I start my diet. I went to Sushi Burrito. Ever since I saw the place down the street from where I live, I have been so curious about it. I love Sushi, but in burrito form? Turns out... it was great. If you love sushi, I totally recommend it. 

Besides that.... I think that is all I got. My tank is going downhill. I lost another fish and my starfish skeletor. So it's time to give it up. I don't want to worry about it anymore... so I am going to sell it and hope that I can get just as much for it as I paid. I think I will be able to... especially since I put so much coral in there. If something has the time and energy and the right touch for reefing... it will be a pretty rad tank with all of the cool coral I put in there. That person is just not going to be me. It was fun while it lasted. Hopefully it sells fast. I have had pretty good luck with KSL, so hopefully I will with this on there as well. 

Well... I guess that is all for me. I have a lot of tentative plans this weekend... I think it will end up being a busy one, unless people bail. We shall see. Peace out.

1 comment:

jamie hixon said...

Good luck selling your tank, I was surprised you made it work for as long as you did. It sounds hard, and ain't nobody got time for that. ;)

I saw Heartland on Netflix and almost watched an episode while I was cleaning... but then I saw that it was literally all about horses, and I'm just not sure it will be interesting for me. Let me know if you think I'm wrong.