- Crafts (92)
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- Parties (51)
- Recipes (124)
- Travels (297)
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- photography (467)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Welcoming Spring!

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Chic Mirror

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mr. Tall & Handsome

Friday, March 26, 2010
Hobby Lobby
Hobby Lobby was a pretty amazing store. It took us like an hour and a half to just browse through the whole store! It has crafts and home decorations. It's a glorified craft store. My favorite was looking at all the home decoration stuff. If you like stores like Tai Pan and Rod Works (like I do), then you will love this store. I totally want to go back and get more stuff. I only bought a few things. Oh, and did I mention it was pretty cheap? The stuff that was more expensive, there was a sign right by it that said it was like 50% off. So... it was still cheap. :o) Hooray for fun stores!
Here is what Desiree and I bought at Hobby Lobby. As soon as I got home, I hung up my new purchases.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 6
Everyone needs at least 1 hug a day. The more the better, but at least 1.
You are never too old to build a fort.
You can never have enough friends. Never stop making friends.
Laughter is really the best medicine for an aching soul.
When you buy a batch of Strawberries, you should always dedicate some for being dipped in chocolate.
You should always stay true to your word.
Everyone should have the experience of traveling.
The best way to learn is by experience.
It is important to express yourself! (Writing, photography, art, dancing, music, cooking, etc..)
You should live your life in a way so that when you look back on it, you have no regrets.
It is cooler to make it yourself than to buy it (if you can).
A picture IS worth a thousand words.
You should work hard, but then make time for playing too.
It’s okay to sleep in once a week.
You should pamper yourself every once in a while (it makes you feel good).
Service is just as much for the giver as it is the receiver.
Taking vacations is VERY important.
Music can sometimes touch you more than words a lone can.
Your actions should speak just as loud as your words.
You should tell people you love them. Don’t assume they know, even if they do.
You should always be polite.
You should not take advantage of people, and you shouldn't let people take advantage of you!
You are never too old for
Everyone should visit
At some point in life, everyone should have a passport. With stamps in it.
You can only be in love with one person. If you think you are in love with more than one person at the same time, its not true love. (Bachelor show?)
You should always dress your best for church.
There is always room for dessert.
Everyone (unless you are unable to) should donate blood at least once in their life.
You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. It may not come as easy as it does for others, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
Everyone has a little bit of nerd in them.
It is good for you to let out a good cry sometimes.
People get what they deserve.
Everyone should recycle.
Family comes first.
When you make an effort to look good, you feel good.
Beauty can be painful.
Dating for 4 seasons and a road trip before getting married.
You should marry your best friend.
Getting a massage once in a while is VERY good for you.
Almost everything tastes better with Nutella on it.
Giving people the benefit of the doubt is better than not.
People can change if they really want to.
Everyone should have a “Bucket List”.
You should make your home (room… whatever space you have) a sanctuary.
You should know and love who you are.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Photo of the Week 4
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Fiddler on the Roof

Monday, March 22, 2010
Jewelry Tree

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Potato Derby

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Two Years!
Friday, March 19, 2010
St. Patricks Day

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 5
Man next to me: "Did you just make that? THAT is impressive!"
Me: "Umm... ya. I did."
Man next to me: "Can you make some more so I can watch how you did it?"
Me: "Sure, okay"
*I start to make smaller ones out of the left over paper that I had from the last one I made"
Man next to me: "Right on! Can I show my friend?"
Me: "Umm.. sure, I don't care."
Man next to me: *talking to his friend across the isle* "Look dude! Right on". *He then gave it back to me* I had also made more out of my napkin and he asked me what makes the best cranes. I told him foil rappers... like gum. He then gets up, goes into the overhead compartment and goes through his bag. Sits back down and hands me a pack of gum.
Man next to me: "Here, you can have some gum and then make some more cranes. You can keep the pack".
Me: "Well, thank you. That was very nice." *I made more canes out of the gum wrappers*
Man next to me: "Those are so cool. Can I keep them and show them to my kids?"
Me: "Yep, sure. Go ahead. I wasn't going to keep them".
I just make them to entertain myself... who knew it would be so entertaining to others as well. It made the flight more interesting, that's for sure... and I got a free pack of yummy gum. :o)
Today I woke up late. I have never been a morning person, even as a kid and I was getting 12 hours of sleep, I still did not enjoy getting up in the morning. My dad would always tease me that it took a crowbar to get me out of bed in the morning. So naturally... I am a night owl. Every night I stay up too late and every morning I wake up hating myself for doing it and promising myself that I will go to bed early that night. It hardly ever happens. I don't know what prevents me... where those hours go... it just hardly ever happens. Don't ask me how I got 4 years perfect attendance in early morning seminary. The thought of getting up at 5:30 am is painful for me now. If I ever become a mom... it is going to be quite an adjustment for me.
Question. Why do guys feel the need to contact you after the relationship is done and over with. It would be one thing if you ended friends... Case #1-I dated this one guy, it was only for a couple of weeks and I guess I liked him more than he liked me. He just told me all of this weird stuff about him to scare me off and then pushed me away and stopped talking to me. All you have to say is, I don't think we should date, lets be friends.... or you don't even have to be friends (I like being friends... but whatever) so 5 months after he stops talking to me without any explanation of why, he calls me... like nothing ever happened and asks me how I am doing and tells me he is getting married. Wow, really? Why do I care? You stopped talking to me 5 months ago remember? Case #2- I dated this other guy off and on in about a year's time (a couple of years ago). We were not super good friends, just one of those random people you meet and kind of date. The first time around I was trying to see if I was interested in him and he was being flaky with me and come to find out he was dating someone else. Good thing I didn't care that much. I called him out on it and didn't talk to him anymore. He later made comments on my pictures on myspace (ya... this was back when I used myspace) saying how beautiful they were. He was still in a relationship, this bugged me... so I wrote on his wall telling him how nice his comments on my pictures were... knowing full well that his girlfriend would read my comment and then go to my profile and look at the comments he wrote on my pictures. Did it work? Yes, yes it did. He then deleted the comments and me as a friend. HA! Later they broke up and he contacted me again telling me what happened (even though I already knew) and he convinced me to go out with him. I gave it another try. He was a nice guy, but he liked me more than I liked him. Plus that... he was too much drama. Months after it ended, he would still text me.. try to get me to come over and hang out with him. At one point he texted me and I told him I was dating someone, and he told me he was dating someone too, in fact they were getting married in a couple of months. Umm what? Why are you texting me then? Seriously!
I don't understand both of these cases. If I am in love with someone, I don't think about other guys that I have dated, and I certainly don't contact them. If these guys were really in love with these girls, wouldn't they not care about any other girl? Maybe I just attract sleazy guys. I don't get it.
Just so you guys know... today I started to put tags on some of my posts that have themes. Like photo of the week. You can click on the tag "photography" at the bottom if you want to view my other photo's. Also recipe's & crafts. Just in case you don't want to look through two years to find a certain theme. Pretty cool huh?
P.S. I have someone texting me right now. I have no idea who they are or how they got my number, but he claims he knows me and wants to hang out. I have been trying to figure out who this person is for an hour now. Still no clue. Not sure if I should be creeped out or if I should think it is funny. I am kind of thinking its funny. If I do know who this person is.... I feel bad for not remembering them.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Photo of the Week 3
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010
Mr Macho/ Mr Creeper

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Pi Day

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Cave Creek
Friday, March 12, 2010
Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 4
After the new year, I had a list of things that I wanted to get in the habit of doing. Of course the list was long, but some of them had to do with my physical appearance.
#1- Making an effort in getting ready in the morning = hair, make up & cute outfit. Check.
#2- Start exercising again. Check.
#3- Whiten teeth again. Check.
#4- Start wearing my retainer again so my teeth to go back to being crooked…. Unchecked! I went to put them on again the other night and the bottom and top retainers DID NOT
In the past 5 months I have had an unusual amount of nightmares. I hate it, I wake up feeling terrible. Either people are making fun of me and making me want to cry, or people are chasing me and trying to kill me. Either way…. I wake up with my heart racing and feeling down. Does this happen to anyone else? I figure I am not normal. The only thing so far that I have found helps me is falling asleep to classical music. Any other ideas?
Every week during sacrament meeting (during the talks) I make origami cranes out of the programs. I have been doing this every week for the last few months. I make as many as I can from when the talks start to when they end. My speed has improved a lot over the months. There are a group of girls that sit next to me many Sunday’s that find it amusing. They can tell when I start to get low on paper and will hand me programs or whatever they can find to keep me going. Don’t worry, I still listen to the talks. In fact… I think it helps me to pay attention. Kind of like when I used to knit in my college classes. (my professors actually thought it was awesome because it was a “lost art”). Anyway… after I make as many as I can make, I leave them there for the next ward to find. I wonder if people in that ward wonder who makes the origami cranes every week. If I were to find those in church every week… I would think it was awesome. Maybe it is just me. This last week I made a flock out of 3 programs and half of a calendar. It was impressive. But I was caught. Later that night at ward prayer, the 1st counselor in the Bishopric came up to me and asked me if I was the one making the cranes in church. I confessed. He said he gathered them all up and handed them out. He thought they were neat. So I guess I wasn’t in trouble… but… I hope the next ward was not disappointed to not see any cranes that week. I am not giving up. I will make more next time. "An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. The crane in
My good friend Rob has been in the ward as long as I have. In that time we have formed a couple traditions. We give each other bird hugs and we watch 80’s classic movies together. Recently we watched “The Dark Crystal”, “
Me: “I have been waiting my whole life to know what name he calls out. I’m so excited”
**Movie continues**
Me: “Here it comes!!!”
** movie continues, Bastian yells out the name, at that point, the subtitles stop, and then continue after he is done yelling the name**
Me: “WHAT?!!! The people who put in the subtitles couldn't even understand it enough to put it in! I was so excited to finally find out. Guess I will never know.”
So Rob ends up on Google to search for the answer. Wikapedia gives us an answer. The name that he yells out is Moon Child. What? No way. This is the first time I don’t believe Wikapedia and look for a second opinion. Nate, another friend that stayed to watch the movie suggests looking up the screenplay. I google the screenplay of the movie. Found it. We go to the script for that part of the movie. Indeed… “Moon Child” is the name that he gives to the Childlike Empress to save Fantasia. I was disappointed. All I can say is…. His mother must have been a big time hippy.