
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 17

You know how my friend Sara and I go to tutoring on Tuesdays? We call ourselves the Tuesday crew. The kids ask us if we are going to come on Thursday, we say "No, cause we are the Tuesday Crew". When I talk to other people about tutoring in the ward, many that go say they go on Thursday. Last week Sara and I decided to give Thursday tutoring a try. We showed up and were the only tutors there besides the people in charge. What? Where was everyone? We were expecting lots of people. This week we went on Tuesday again. We walked in and there were all kinds of tutors there and only one kid! The tutors were just sitting around chatting. Sara and I.... well, we did what we had to do. We went outside to find all the kids playing outside and bribed them with Popsicle's to come in a read and play with us. It worked. They all came in with us. Then we have to monitor what books they choose. They tend to get baby books just to say they read a book. I told them I have to approve the books and would tell them if they are Popsicle worthy. They are finally catching on, because this week, all the boys grabbed Harry Potter books. One of the boys enjoyed it enough that he actually wanted to check the book out and read it at home. We were so proud and cheered for him. After they are done reading, we play spoons with them. They can't get enough of that game. When they leave... they ask when we are coming back, because they want to come on the days we are there. THAT is rewarding. to be the consistent and favored tutors. So this week, we are going both days, which means I will be going tonight. Those kids are great, even if we do have to bribe them with Popsicles. At least we get them to come in. What would they do without me and Sara. ;o)

This week I received an email that totally made my week. It was titled "T-R-A-C-Why?" . It went like so:

T is for Tuh-racy, cuz she's the girl to be.
and R is for the Rapture, she inspires from afar.
The A is for Angelic, so beautiful and fey.
And C is for Courageous, inspiring you and me

But Why's the very question that all of us do ask.
Why is she so brilliant, and shining with such joy,
With beauty that's so sparkling that naught can hope to mask?
Though it strains belief, the answer's brief: "It's cuz she's not a boy!"

I hope this poem finds you well, Trace, and I hope you're having a great day! 

 Now how could you receive a poem like this out of the blue and not smile. :o)

This week I applied for a tourist visa for the first time. I have never visited a country that required one before. I have to say, its intense. It is just as expensive as getting a passport! I had to get more passport pictures for my application and send in the application with my passport and copy of my birth certificate and proof of address and drivers license. What the heck?! I just want to visit your country for 8 days? Why is that so much to ask for? Can we just chill? Hopefully it all goes smooth from here.

After church on Sunday, I was pulled aside by one of the members of the Bishopric. Apparently, someone was trying to get me fired from my calling. This is a first for me. Actually... come to think of it, I have NEVER heard of anyone trying to get someone fired from their calling at church. Of course it would happen to me. I guess you would have to ask my group, but I always thought I did a good job as FHE group leader. I always have tried to make it fun and put my heart into it. I am pretty sure they are just mad at me and it has nothing to do with how I am doing in my calling. Even still, are we not all adults here? I would rather someone come talk to me if they have a problem with me instead of talking to all our mutual friends about how mad they are at me and then asking the bishopric to release me. But... that is just me. I even tried to write them and say sorry if I did something that upset them but they chose to ignore me. Sad. The only thing I can think of that caused this was that we stole the trophy. I don't think Trophy Quest helped either... even though everyone loved that activity. I guess they didn't. What else can I do?

I know I have talked about Glee before, but on Tuesday it was the last episode until next season. I was sad. I mean... I felt like it had just come back from a LONG break. Now it is gone again. I love that show. The music on that show always makes me happy. I love that they are educating the younger generation to old classics and making them popular again. I have always been a lover of music and had a wide variety in my itunesthing of the past anymore. They are totally back in style. I could not be more happy about that.

Yesterday a couple of my co-workers and I went to the Health Fair at Novell. We walked around a room and learned more about our benefits and health facts. One station had "Stress Dots". They put one on each one of our hands and then gave us a sheet of paper that told us what the different colors mean. My co-worker, Paul, his turned blue right away. Mine on the other hand was black.... and it stayed black. Stressed! What? I felt fine. I didn't feel stressed at all. I kept it on my hand the rest of the day and night watching to see if the color would change. When I ate lunch it turned green (middle of the relaxed and stressed). I think it has turned blue twice since I have had it on my hand yesterday afternoon. I am still wearing it. I really felt like I was a pretty relaxed person. I mean... I am singing my heart out to Glee in my office, but its still black. I think the fact that it is on my hand and it won't change the color I want stresses me out even more. ha ha.


Tessa and Adam said...

What? Are you sure that the "stress dot" is not a cheaper version of a mood ring? It just changes when your body temperature changes? I think its a hoax.

Lynette Mills said...

I want a stress dot! And please do tell about what the bishopric member said to you? The poem is pretty awesome. Do you know who gave it to you? I guess I should call you huh? I thought about you while I was in the temple today.. all good thoughts.

rachel v. said...

1. you are awesome for being a tutor for those kids!
2. I totally want to know who wrote you that poem
3. Don't think twice about the person who had an opinion about their calling- its not up to them. And you are doing an awesome job as an FHE leader!
4. I love glee.
5. The idea of a stress dot stresses me out.

The end. :)

Tracy said...

Tessa- The stress dot DOES have to do with temperature, but I guess your body temperature is complicated and changes with stress and when you eat and lots of other things.

Mom, I can tell you all about what the Bishopric member said. I had a talk with the person tonight though and we worked it out. There was a lot of miscommunication (which is usually the case)

Rachel & Mom- The poem is from a guy I have been on a couple of dates with, Curtis, the one I went to the Masquerade with.

P.S. to everyone, thanks for your comments. They make me feel special and awesome that you care about my life. :o)

jamie hixon said...

You are the best tutor! I'm so glad you care. I've had to totally use bribes to build up a trust with students before. Whatever works!
I wonder if stress dots are like mood rings?

jamie hixon said...

....and then I read the rest of your comments...

Desiree said...

I CANNOT believe that girl trying to get you fired. Don't worry about it. You can't control what people think about you, so you can't worry about it. You tried. So if she wants to continue being COMPLETELY ridiculous even after you've apologized, let her. That is so dumb! I'm sorry. You do a fabulous job. You know that.
And, I've never believed that mood ring stuff.