
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 79

It has been a busy week, but it has been a good week. Well, putting Sunday aside. I had a hard day on Sunday... but you can have your days right? Thankfully I have good friends & family that let me vent to them and they tell me everything is going to be okay.

This last weekend my good friend Rachel became my new roommate. I can't tell you how excited I am for this. Our place is clean and cute. Peace and harmony is in the house again. Besides Rachel moving in, I went to my friend Aileen's birthday dinner at a Pizza place that I had never been to which was fun and then went to a movie with my roommates. We went to see "Crazy Stupid Love". Finally... a movie fighting for marriage. Pretty chill Friday night. I feel like I have had a lot of those lately.

Today was kind of sad for me. I was supposed to be on my way to Havasupai. I have ALWAYS wanted to go and tried to plan it and like I said last week, everyone bailed. It just didn't come through in the end. I'm sad. I was ready to get out of town again, but it's ok. Hopefully I will want to try again and it can happen next year. I have planned a fun weekend, and although it won't be Havasupai... I am hoping it will help me forget about the trip that was not meant to be this year.

I had a long chat with a friend of mine in the ward on Sunday. She is one of the people that was nice enough to have a chat with me since I was having a depressing day. We made the goal together to start going to new things so we could meet more people. (I have made this goal many times for myself and do an okay job doing it, but it is easier when you have someone else to do it with you). Monday we gave it a go. I went to my FHE and then we went to another FHE. She had heard about this FHE from this random guy that she met at another party. It was up Hobble Creek Canyon and it was the singles wards of Payson, Spanish Fork, Mapleton and one ward from Springville I think. There were a lot of people there but they were all SUPER YOUNG. ha ha. We thought we would stick around just because it was funny and to have a good time meeting new people. We danced and met new people and then we found guys our age! They were fun and outgoing and hung out with them the rest of the night. Conclusion by the end of the night was that we would hang out again and one of the guys got my number. Mission accomplished.

Tuesday, after Lauren and I were done with Pilates we were walking by the volleyball court and one of the guys playing was a guy that I had met a couple times, really nice. He said hi to me and then asked us if we wanted to play volleyball with them. We said sure, why not. So that afternoon we got an email invitation to play with them the next day. I had not played in years but I seemed to pick it right back up. My team won both games. Even though it was super hot, it was nice to play volleyball outside on my lunch break. It was also fun to meet a new group of people. We played with all guys and one other girl. I feel like I have been in this little bubble at work for so long because I never really talk to anyone outside of my department (which is small). There are SO many people that work on Novell campus, it's just nice to know and talk to other people. We got invited to play again with them tomorrow, but I think we are going to only play with them once a week. We like to have our normal work out too. After Zumba today, Lauren and I were talking over our trip-tip lunch that we got at the cafe... as we sat outside and ate our yummy lunch, we talked about how much we have LOVED working out on our lunch breaks... not only is it nice to be done with your workout by the time you get home and to split up your work day, but it also makes it feel like you do other things with your life besides work. You know? I don't just get up, go to work and sit in an office all day and then go back home. I am being active and doing different things and interacting with different people. We both love it.

Oh... I also forgot to mention that last Friday... on my lunch break I went to a used music store by my house and I bought myself a guitar. It's hardly used and I got a really good deal on it. My dad tuned it for me, so I am ready to start learning. I am hoping that my mom is going to teach me. I hope that it's not hard for me to learn.

It is hard to concentrate on work when you are being video taped. All of the sudden, there is this pressure and you have a hard time thinking about what you are supposed to be doing. They are making this new video at work for one of our programs (Vibe). I was asked if they could video me. I said sure of course... even though I wasn't wearing any make up and not looking my best. Oh well. I should feel honored that they asked me because they only video taped 3 people on my team including myself.

I had to drive to Midway today. I have not spent a lot of time there... but there are a lot of neat places to eat there it seems. I feel like I need to explore there more. As I was driving back to Provo ... it was just a little after 8 and the sun was starting to set and I had my windows down and blasting my music, singing at the top of my lungs while I enjoyed the beautiful mountains and trees and the sunset reflecting off of Deer Creek. It was so beautiful. I love the summer months here. What a beautiful drive.

I have a candy dish in my office (for those of you who don't know that). Last week I blogged about someone dropping off a mystery bag of jelly belly's. I filled my candy dish with those. I had to leave work early yesterday and today. When I came into my office this morning... I found this note. I laughed pretty hard (and that is usually  hard for me to do in the morning since I am not a morning person). The guys that I work with are so funny. They have me laughing everyday. I really enjoy working with them.


jamie hixon said...

"I saved you one." HA!
Do you bring work-out clothes to work, or do you just wear them or what? That really does sound great, I like going to the gym for variety in my day as well.
Sorry you had a hard Sunday.
Crazy Stupid Love, huh? The title doesn't seem like my type of movie, but if it fights for marriage I'll have to see it.
You'll be great at the guitar, especially if mom is teaching you! Good for you.

Tracy Mills said...

Yes... I bring a work out bag with clothes and shoes to work. There is a locker room and such at the gym, so I just change there. Its great.

MoNiCa! said...

T-Rac! I'm always impressed with you! I love that you try so many new things all the time. and I love that you are always getting guys numbers :) If I didn't have a baby i would TOTALLY go to Havasuipi (or however you spell it!) I too, have always wanted to go there! maybe someday! Sorry you had a bad Sunday. I hope you are still up for early morning berry pickin -even though you are not a morning person! :) It's fun and totally worth it! :) If you have any roomies or friends that wanna go they can come along too.
Text, call, or FB me b/c I may not look back on this comment thingy! BYEEEE!

Jessica Stark said...

You job sounds really fun! If I was still working, I wouldn't mind working at a place where you go to movies, lunch, work out at lunch time, play volleyball, etc.! Lucky you!

Lori said...

I couldn't read the note... but i'm glad you have nice co workers. makes work a happy place.
Glad you are keeping up with your workouts during lunch- how nice. I wish I had a lunch break :)

Tracy said...

The note says "Forgive me :(. The Precious was calling to me. Must have the precious. P.S. I saved you one"

Lynette Mills said...

You want your first lesson on Sunday? I'll pick out a song and be ready