
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Monday, July 16, 2012

Draw Something

Back in February or March... I was introduced to the game "Draw Something". For those of you who don't know what that game is... it is an app on your phone or ipad where you draw a picture to a friend, they guess what it is and then they draw for you and you guess and it just goes back and forth forever.

At first I was playing this game with like 15 friends and family members. They had not made improvements on the game yet, so you got the same words over and over again if you were playing lots of people. THEN Jay and I played long enough that we discovered that it didn't keep track of how turns you had with your friend past 99. We couldn't even get to 100 and we felt jipped.  I then started seeing a lot of this next to all of my friends names.

When it tells you to "nudge" them, it means they either deleted the game or just have not touched it in a while. Yep.... everyone got bored and stopped playing. That is except for me, my mom and sister and occasionally a couple of other friends. It never got old for me.

The sad part is, right after all of my friends quite playing, they updated the game so that it could go past 100 along with a lot of other improvements, but the best improvement of all was that they added a ton of new words. It was like playing a new game all over again. So now I am just playing against my mom, sister and sister in law (or brother, they share) and sometimes a friend. It is nice now.... before I was playing too many people which = playing too much.

This game is fun, but I have to say it is pretty hard to draw with your finger on a little phone screen. People who play on the ipad really have the advantage. However, although I am not the best artist, I have done some pretty good drawings. My family is even better though. Here are a few of my mom's drawings.

Yep, she doesn't mess around. Then there is my sister Jamie.... she is a pro at this game, serious artist. I always take my drawings very seriously when I draw against her or my mom because they are both so good, I want mine to look good too. Here are some pictures that my sister drew. Now you can see why I always feel like i have to step it up a notch.

Then there are my drawings. They are okay. Nothing compared to my family, but pretty good compared to a lot of my friends. Drawing people was the hardest for me. Probably can't tell from my drawings that I drew Pink, Outcast, Gale, Ryan Seacrest, Snoop Dawg, Gale, Ms Manro and more. I always give it my best shot though, and surprisingly I am still not sick of this game. :)


Lynette Mills said...

It's fun to see all of these together. I love playing too!

jamie hixon said...

I think your drawings are fantastic! That Snoop Dogg is the shiz!