It's still cold. It's colder this month than it was last month. I'm hoping starting next week it will start to warm up and I will want to spend some time outside. The last couple of weeks I have been locked up in my basement.
I won another Amazon gift card at work! I won the health challenge. For two weeks you had to get your full servings of fruits and vegetables and cut out sugar and drink a certain amount of water every day. Anyway... it was pretty easy to accomplish with the diet I was already doing, so I totally won which is great because I got a $25 Amazon gift card and I have already used it and bought a Ukulele! I found a nice one for $50 and so the gift card paid for half of it. Not too shabby. I have been wanting to learn to play for a little while and it's been on my list for a while, so I am excited to get it.
I blogged about the weekend, so you know Stacey and I went to the Holi Festival this weekend. Fun that it was his first time. One day I will need to go to India during Holi. That would be pretty awesome I would imagine.
I didn't weigh in this week. I didn't because I was so discouraged last week PLUS I had a cheat meal on Friday when Stacey and I ate at Spitz. So I didn't want to be disappointed again. I got right back on track with eating healthy though... so hopefully when I weigh in next Monday, I will see results. If I don't... I am going to have to change it up and try something different. I'm not giving up.
I haven't been doing a lot this week. There has been some amazing sunsets with all of the clouds... so at least there is that perk from all of the cloudy weather we have been getting.
I have basically just been in the basement watching TV everyday after work. So unlike me right? Work has been hard this week... so I have kind of hated people and locked myself away from everyone... which isn't good for me and just makes me depressed. I should know better than to do that. I have watched a lot of stuff. Ha ha. I have more and more shows that I have to keep up on every week now. New shows I have started... I tried to watch "Casual" but it was terrible so I dropped it. I started the new show "Little Big Shots" just talented kids showing off their skills. It's super cute. I think there are only 4 episodes so far. I watched the latest season of "Switched at Birth" sometimes I wonder why I still watch that... but it has it's really sweet moments. I watched all of "The People vs OJ Simpson". It is still going, but it has been interesting to watch because I remember when that was in the news all of the time, but I was too young to really care about it and never really ended up learning much about it in my adult years. Just last night I started "When Calls the Heart" and I am almost done with the first season. I know... that is a lot in one week. I'm out of control. I need warmer weather so that I can get out of the house.
I'm super excited that Stacey is doing dancing through Utah with me. I know it is going to be a long term project that is done over several months... but I think in the end it will be super awesome because we will have more time to put into it. I love dancing... and I love Utah and we picked a great song. Can't go wrong. Unless Stacey backs out because he is too busy. It's a possibility. But I don't think he would have committed if he were not excited about it and willing to make it happen. I will keep you updated on that.
Guess that is all. Let's hope this next week is better than this last one.
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel
- Crafts (92)
- Guy Stories (70)
- Parties (51)
- Recipes (124)
- Travels (297)
- Videos (93)
- photography (467)
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Photo of the Week 315
Just another evening at Utah Lake. You would think that I would get tired of watching the sunset there... but I don't. It's so close and always beautiful.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Holi - Festival of Colors - Take 9
This last weekend I was back at the Festival of Colors. Can you believe I have gone to the festival for almost a decade? I can't. I didn't go last year, otherwise this would be 10 years... but here is the post of the last one that I went to.
This time I went with Stacey. It was his first time. We didn't spend a ton of time there... we mostly just went with an agenda. I actually convinced Stacey to do dancing through Utah with me... and this was one of the places on my list of places I wanted to get in the video, so we went to one color throwing and then we danced and then we left. Still fun though, but it's always a fun time with Stacey. I'm just thrilled he agreed to do the video with me and that we have started!
I didn't take this picture... but I LOVE it. Great capture from someone else that took it at this years festival.
I didn't take a ton of pictures this year, but these ones are my favorite from this year. I have never gone in all white before, but Stacey and I both did for the video. People LOVED putting color on our all white clothes... people can't resist. We were all colored in no time. Stacey decorated my face. Ha!
Monday, March 28, 2016
Arches National Park
On our way back from Monument Valley last weekend, Amber and I decided to stop by Arches National Park. I have been several times, but there are still things that I have not explored there.
We didn't do a lot of hiking... mostly just driving around and stopping to get out and enjoy the view and take pictures. It was kind of crowded for being off season... and then it hit me why. Spring Break. Oh well. We still found plenty of places away from the crowd. I love visiting Southern Utah in the Winter/Spring/Fall because it isn't HOT! ha ha.
It was a fun day of exploring. There were a lot of people, but at the end of the day, we did find a spot where there were no people... on a slanted rock that we could lay down on but still see the amazing view and we watched the sunset. It was such a great way to end the day. I love little weekend getaways. You don't have to be gone that long or drive more than a few hours to feel like you did so much with your weekend. And Amber is a great road trip buddy... especially since she can do spontaneous trips.
*Story about the 3 guys in the picture above. I ran into them on their way up and on my way down. I said hi, and I only snapped this picture because I thought it was a cool shot and wished that I had one of myself up there. Anyway, I ended up seeing them again while we were watching the sunset and after they left, Amber told me I should have given them the picture... but it was too late. We ended up parking next to each other and leaving at the same time! So... I went up to them and showed them the picture and asked them if they wanted it. Of course they did. They had an iPhone, I told them to turn on their bluetooth and I airdropped it to them. I LOVE that feature. People don't use it enough. These guys didn't even know about it... but you don't have to exchange phone numbers and text it, you don't even need to have cell service. Their name shows up on your phone and you select the picture/s that you want to send and select their name and then BAM they have the picture. It's pretty awesome. And they were of course happy to have it. I would love it if someone did that for me*
You can see how big those arches are when you find me... tiny little me in the archway.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
My nieces and nephews are the cutest/sweetest. Reanne and Sierra love giving awards. It is really sweet. One of the ways they show/tell you they love you. Today I got the award for being a fantastic aunt! How sweet it that? I put my award up at work.... but I have to put it up on my blog so that I can have it forever. I sure do love my nieces and nephews.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Utah Dining - Take 7 - Spitz
This is another post that is only going to get one restaurant review. Why? Because they gave me a free meal... and it was that good.
This review is for Spitz. I had never heard of them before they contacted me on Instagram asking me if I would give them a review on my Instagram if they gave me a gift card for $25. I of course said yes. Why would I turn that down? I really have had some cool opportunities with Instagram since gaining more followers. It's been awesome.
Since Stacey is one of my favorite people and has hooked me up with his connections before, I decided to invite him. He was thrilled. So last night we drove up to Sugarhouse and tried it out.
Apparently it is a chain. I had no idea. There is one in Sugarhouse and one in downtown Salt Lake and there are other in other states. Now that I have tried it, I wish there was one closer to me. It is a total Hipster Joint... which I love.
Since we had $25 worth of food we could get, we ordered 3 things to share (yes, I had my first cheat meal since starting my diet... I deserve it right?) Did I tell you that it is Mediterranean Street food? I was excited because I pretty much love all food... Stacey had tried Mediterranean before and didn't love it, so I just let him order whatever for us to share. We got one wrap and Stacey knows I love sweet potato fries, so we got an order of those full of goodness and for dessert he ordered us cinnamon sugar pita sticks. ALL of it was SOOOOO good. I will stop there again for sure when I am in the area.... and not on my diet.
Thank you Spitz for contacting me and giving me free food!
Friday, March 25, 2016
Paint Date
I blog about a lot of bad and awkward dates... but sometimes I have good dates too.
I started talking to this guy on Tinder. He was only up here temporarily from Southern Utah for work. He is a forest fire fighter and in the National Guard. Any who... unlike a lot of the guys on there, he didn't want to hook up with me, he wanted to be a gentleman and take me on a creative date where we could get to know each other.
So what did he come up with?
He bought painting supplies at the store and then we went to Utah Lake to watch the sunset and paint the scenery while we chatted. It was freezing... but thankfully he had extra layers for me.
We sat at the lake for a couple of hours while we each painted a picture of the mountains and lake. I discovered that water color is not my talent... I have an easier time painting with other paints. He on the other hand said he hadn't painted with water color since he was little and I don't believe it for a second. His painting was stupid good. It made me embarrassed of mine.
Regardless it was still fun and I appreciated a real date that had thought put into it instead of another guy just trying to get some action out of me and move on his way. He took me to dinner after too. Nice guy. He wasn't really my type, plus he doesn't live around here anyway... but hey, I appreciate a good date when it comes along.... which is not very often.
At the end he kept my painting and had me keep his. He said he is going to hang mine up... but I wouldn't if I were him. I for sure got the better end of that deal. I didn't take a picture of mine... but here is a picture of his water color of where we sat at Utah Lake to watch the sunset.
I started talking to this guy on Tinder. He was only up here temporarily from Southern Utah for work. He is a forest fire fighter and in the National Guard. Any who... unlike a lot of the guys on there, he didn't want to hook up with me, he wanted to be a gentleman and take me on a creative date where we could get to know each other.
So what did he come up with?
He bought painting supplies at the store and then we went to Utah Lake to watch the sunset and paint the scenery while we chatted. It was freezing... but thankfully he had extra layers for me.
We sat at the lake for a couple of hours while we each painted a picture of the mountains and lake. I discovered that water color is not my talent... I have an easier time painting with other paints. He on the other hand said he hadn't painted with water color since he was little and I don't believe it for a second. His painting was stupid good. It made me embarrassed of mine.
Regardless it was still fun and I appreciated a real date that had thought put into it instead of another guy just trying to get some action out of me and move on his way. He took me to dinner after too. Nice guy. He wasn't really my type, plus he doesn't live around here anyway... but hey, I appreciate a good date when it comes along.... which is not very often.
At the end he kept my painting and had me keep his. He said he is going to hang mine up... but I wouldn't if I were him. I for sure got the better end of that deal. I didn't take a picture of mine... but here is a picture of his water color of where we sat at Utah Lake to watch the sunset.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 316
It got cold again... boo!!!
I already blogged about my weekend adventures. That was the highlight of the week for sure.
Sunday was good. The weather was nice that day. The Provo City Temple Dedication was that day and it was really nice. Glad I went and sat by my friend Mike which was nice so I didn't have to sit a lone. After church my old roommate Penny is in town and came by to visit. Fun to chat with her. Then My friend Becky wanted to see how my hammocks were, so we went to the park and set them up and chatted. That was nice. I hope that there is a lot more of that this year. Then family dinner at my parents house which I always enjoy. My uncle Dale came too and I always enjoy when he is there.
Monday was back to the grind. This week has been unusually busy. I don't know why, because quarter end is next month. Makes me worry a little bit how crazy next month will be. I'm not allowed to take any time off the last two weeks of April. So... I'm guessing it is going to get real busy. Right now it only seems like I am. Everything that comes in is my area. Lucky me (sarcasm).
My week really has been pretty boring. I haven't done anything after work most days, just sitting at home ... alone these days because my roommates are mad at me for telling them to clean up after themselves because the house had gotten out of control with the disgusting mess. They cleaned it up, but now they are all mad at me and don't want to talk to me. COOL. Whatever... it's fine, that is why I have my own space downstairs. At least they are keeping the house pretty clean now. Now if only I could get them to pay their rent on time. You would think that older women would be a little more responsible.
I have stayed really good on my diet. Got on the scale on Monday and was so sad that I hadn't lost any weight in 2 weeks after working so hard to stick to my diet even when I am on vacation and road tripping. It's moments like that were you ask yourself why you are being so strict and trying so hard if it isn't doing anything. However, then I went to the gym and I got a pep talk. Kristi (the one in charge of the gym) told me that she can see a difference in my body and I probably lost inches instead of weight. That could be true, but it is still frustrating. I am trying to concentrate on that and not give up or lose motivation... so I have had another good week. I did weight training yesterday too that really kicked my butt and now I am sore from it. So that is good. I'm hoping the number on the scale this next Monday goes down though. It needs to in order for me to keep going strong. It just needs to.
I finished watched Naked and Afraid... well, at least the current season, I haven't wanted the previous seasons except for an episode here and there. Anyway... Stacey told me he really likes iZombie and that I should watch it. I was hesitant for a while because I am kind of over the whole zombie thing... but I decided to give it a go because Stacey and I typically have very similar taste on things. So I started watching it and I am all caught up with the current episodes now. I like it because it isn't heavy on the gross zombie stuff, it's more like "Warm Bodies" where it is a funny spin on how most people view zombies. It's a detective show. I really like it. I just got all caught up on the most recent episode today... so now I need to find another show to watch.
I also need to decide what paddle board to buy soon. I want it ready for as soon as it gets warm enough. I have an instagram friend that is going to let me test his out to see if i like it and if I do he will give me a discount on it. I'm super excited to get one though. I want to be doing a lot of that this summer. After work even. That will be awesome. Can't wait.
Sad to say, but that is pretty much all I have for you this week. Like I said, uneventful week. I just got done watching a bunch of different video's I have made since 2004. So fun to watch. They make me smile. I have made a lot of silly video's and done a lot of silly things in my life. I'm so glad that I document my life so well though, because I do like to look back at fun times and relive them. It's a lot of fun.
That's all for me this week. Until next time...
I already blogged about my weekend adventures. That was the highlight of the week for sure.
Sunday was good. The weather was nice that day. The Provo City Temple Dedication was that day and it was really nice. Glad I went and sat by my friend Mike which was nice so I didn't have to sit a lone. After church my old roommate Penny is in town and came by to visit. Fun to chat with her. Then My friend Becky wanted to see how my hammocks were, so we went to the park and set them up and chatted. That was nice. I hope that there is a lot more of that this year. Then family dinner at my parents house which I always enjoy. My uncle Dale came too and I always enjoy when he is there.
Monday was back to the grind. This week has been unusually busy. I don't know why, because quarter end is next month. Makes me worry a little bit how crazy next month will be. I'm not allowed to take any time off the last two weeks of April. So... I'm guessing it is going to get real busy. Right now it only seems like I am. Everything that comes in is my area. Lucky me (sarcasm).
My week really has been pretty boring. I haven't done anything after work most days, just sitting at home ... alone these days because my roommates are mad at me for telling them to clean up after themselves because the house had gotten out of control with the disgusting mess. They cleaned it up, but now they are all mad at me and don't want to talk to me. COOL. Whatever... it's fine, that is why I have my own space downstairs. At least they are keeping the house pretty clean now. Now if only I could get them to pay their rent on time. You would think that older women would be a little more responsible.
I have stayed really good on my diet. Got on the scale on Monday and was so sad that I hadn't lost any weight in 2 weeks after working so hard to stick to my diet even when I am on vacation and road tripping. It's moments like that were you ask yourself why you are being so strict and trying so hard if it isn't doing anything. However, then I went to the gym and I got a pep talk. Kristi (the one in charge of the gym) told me that she can see a difference in my body and I probably lost inches instead of weight. That could be true, but it is still frustrating. I am trying to concentrate on that and not give up or lose motivation... so I have had another good week. I did weight training yesterday too that really kicked my butt and now I am sore from it. So that is good. I'm hoping the number on the scale this next Monday goes down though. It needs to in order for me to keep going strong. It just needs to.
I finished watched Naked and Afraid... well, at least the current season, I haven't wanted the previous seasons except for an episode here and there. Anyway... Stacey told me he really likes iZombie and that I should watch it. I was hesitant for a while because I am kind of over the whole zombie thing... but I decided to give it a go because Stacey and I typically have very similar taste on things. So I started watching it and I am all caught up with the current episodes now. I like it because it isn't heavy on the gross zombie stuff, it's more like "Warm Bodies" where it is a funny spin on how most people view zombies. It's a detective show. I really like it. I just got all caught up on the most recent episode today... so now I need to find another show to watch.
I also need to decide what paddle board to buy soon. I want it ready for as soon as it gets warm enough. I have an instagram friend that is going to let me test his out to see if i like it and if I do he will give me a discount on it. I'm super excited to get one though. I want to be doing a lot of that this summer. After work even. That will be awesome. Can't wait.
Sad to say, but that is pretty much all I have for you this week. Like I said, uneventful week. I just got done watching a bunch of different video's I have made since 2004. So fun to watch. They make me smile. I have made a lot of silly video's and done a lot of silly things in my life. I'm so glad that I document my life so well though, because I do like to look back at fun times and relive them. It's a lot of fun.
That's all for me this week. Until next time...
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Monument Valley
I have been wanting to go to Monument Valley for a while. It is a bit out of the way, so most of my friends were not thrilled to drive there. Last week my friend Amber asked me if I wanted to get out of town and do something fun. I said of course and suggested Monument Valley and she was all for it. That is one of the many reasons why I love hanging out with her. She is like me, up for just about anything and is spontaneous. We didn't plan. We just decided the day before we were going to go and then next day after work we went. It was great. I need more of that in my life.
We of course ended up doing other things as well. There isn't a lot to do in Monument Valley, but it is awesome and definitely worth the drive to go see. The drive wasn't that bad to me anyway. We ended up doing a lot in one day. We saw Monument Valley, stopped and saw The Hole N' the Rock and went to Moab and explored around Arches and went home. That is an eventful day. Loved it. Nice temperature too. That is why I LOVE seeing southern Utah in the Winter Spring & Fall. A LOT cooler... and I like that. :)
This rock is called The Mexican Hat.
Some of my favorite pics of the great Monument Valley.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Hole N' the Rock
While driving from Monument Valley to Moab.... I saw this place on the side of the road. I had no idea what it was, but I quickly pulled over to check it out. Why not right? That is what exploring a state is all about... discovering all the little places that you didn't know was there.
So we get out to see what it is all about. Turns out it's a bunch of collective.... stuff. They even have a zoo and a shop. SO random. I guess there is a house/ restaurant in there too. So we wandered around and took some pictures and took it all in and then went on our way.
Oh... and they were making a really big deal about a big foot sighting. I figure it was a joke... but I don't know, they may think it is serious. ha ha.
It had some pretty cool things too. The license plate art was my favorite.
You never know what you are going to discover when you are road tripping.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
8th Year Blogiversary
It's that time of year again! It's my 8th year blogiversary where I review my year and what I have accomplished. I really can't believe I have been consistent with this for 8 years. The years pass by WAY too quickly. Here is my summary of last year. Now let's see what I have done this year.
1 - Was released from being Activities Co-Chair
2 - Continued to take all of my nieces and nephews out for their birthdays (If they are around)
3 - Watched the Lunar Eclipse
4 - Went home to Santa Barbara to hang out with my sister Lori and family
5 - My niece Leila was born
6 - Drove Highway 1 for the first time (most beautiful road trip EVER)
7 - Met up with my friend James and explored Big Sur
8 - Went skeet shooting for work
9 - Helped put on the most magical tea party with some of my girl friends
10 - Went to the Tulip Festival
11 - Hosted some couch surfers from Switzerland which became good friends.
12 - Played The Lost Boy in my friends "Shake it Off Disney Style" music video that went viral. Also made a lot of friends from it.
13 - Went to the Payson Temple open house
14 - Went to the Philippines
15 - Went scuba diving with Whale Sharks (coolest. thing. ever)
16 - Got a massage on the beach
17 - Took a tour of the Underground River (which is one of the new 7 wonders of the natural world)
18 - Went to Bali
19 - Did my first ship wreck dive (coolest dive I have done to date)
20 - Stayed in a bungalow overlooking a rice field (Maybe one of the coolest places I have ever stayed in)
21 - Got to go to my niece, Sierra's, dance recital
22 - Went on a lot of dates (good and bad)
23 - Went on a TON of new hikes
24 - Accomplished my goal of exploring the outdoors every weekend (whether I went a lone or not)
25 - Watched Reanne perform in the Payson Temple Cultural celebration
26 - Made some new crafts
27 - Went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo again (pretty much the only rodeo I go to)
28 - Fell in love with Paddle Boarding (now planning on getting one of my own)
29 - Road tripped to Wyoming with a few friends
30 - Went White Water Rafting down the Snake River twice
31 - Sang in church a couple of times
32 - Slept in a Tipi (Teepee) for the first time
33 - Camped and explored Bryce Canyon with my friends
34 - Went to Calf Creek Falls for the first time (Awesome waterfall)
35 - First family trip in a LONG time to the Grand Canyon
36 - Went to Horseshoe Bend for the first time
37 - Played the Eveil Queen from Snow White and the Huntsman in my friends "Bad Blood" Parody music video
38 - Tried new recipes
39 - Threw more dinner parties
40 - Hung out and hiked with my Anderson cousins
41 - Went to Sand Hallow for the first time, did some paddle boarding
42 - Went to Zions, hiked the Narrows for the first time
43 - Attended my third salmon supper in Payson
44 - Helped my friend Sarah at her both at Craft Lake City (awesome event, totally want to go again)
45 - Hung out with my friend Rick in Chicago
46 - Hung out with my old pal Monica in Indiana
47 - Visited my cousin Trav in Indiana / Michigan (lots of lake time)
48 - Went fishing
49 - Camped at / explored Goblin Valley for the first time
50 - Hiked through my first slot canyons (Bell & Little Wild Horse)
51 - Attended the Rooftop Concert in Provo
52 - Bought my hammock (fell in love with it instantly)
53 - Played human bubble ball at work
54 - Lots of Jeeping with my friend Amber
55 - Attended Utah's first Lantern Festival (it was pretty magical)
56 - Broke down and sold my salt water fish tank
57 - Camped/ explored Moab with my friends
58 - Visited Canyonlands National Park for the first time
59 - Visited Deadhorse Point State Park for the first time
60 - Road tripped to Rexburg for the first time in 11 years (Stayed with my friend Holly)
61 - Hung out with my friend JaLayne from Massage Therapy school that I hadn't seen since her wedding 11 years earlier.
62 - Hiked/ Explored Grand Teton National Park
63 - Helped throw the cutest Fall/ Plaid party with some girl friends
64 - Played Maleficent in my friend's music video "I Can't Feel My Face" Parody featuring Disney Villains in the Thanksgiving Point Corn Maze
65 - For the first time in maybe my entire life I didn't dress up or do anything for Halloween (sad)
66 - Visited my sister Jamie in Arizona
67 - Surprised Stacey and saw him perform in Jesterz in AZ
68 - After 4 1/2 years, my Beta Fish (Purple Rain) died :(
69 - My awesome cousin Dave bought me a new Beta Fish from a local Breader (Luna)
70 - Novell became Micro Focus, I got a new boss & new team & a lot of my old team got let go and I got kicked out of my office and put in a cubicle :(
71 - The ENTIRE Mills/Anderson Family got together for Thanksgiving to all be with Grandma one last time. A day we will never forget.
72 - Started doing Photo shoots with my BFF Neighbor again
73 - Went to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights again
74 - Went to Brazil
75 - Spent my birthday hiking in Florianopolis, Brazil with my friend Stacey and partied with strangers at our hostel. It was epic!
76 - Went to Argentina (It counts, even if it was right over the border)
77 - Went to Iguazu Falls on the Brazil side & Argentina Side (It is also one of the 7 Wonders of the Natural World)
78 - Spent Christmas Morning at the Christ Redeemer Statue in Rio, Brazil (one of the 7 Wonders of the World)
79 - Went to a couple of Humor U shows to see my friend Ian perform
80 - Spent a lot of time with my sweet Grandma, including New Years Eve. No party this year, just quality time with my Grandma.
81 - Grandma Mills passed away :(
82 - Went snowshoeing
83 - Third Annual yurt trip (this time in the Uinta's)
84 - Went to the Provo City Center open house and dedication
85 - Met up with my couch surfer friend from Switzerland in Northern California to Roadtrip together
86 - Went to Yosemite for the firs time
87 - Went to Burney Falls for the first time
88 - Went to the Redwoods State Park for the first time
89 - Went to San Clemente for my Grandma's Memorial Service
90 - Went to Santa Barbara to hang out with Lori and family
91 - Went to Knapps Castle with Veda
92 - Went to the Mystic Hot Springs
93 - Attended my first Paint Nite (Loved it, want to go again)
94 - Celebrated 7 Years working at Novell/Micro Focus
95 - Went to Florida to visit Kirsten
96 - Went to Everglades National Park for the first time
97 - Visited Monument Valley for the first time
98 - Back to explore Moab/Arches for the I don't know how many times it has been at least 5 or 6
99 - Started my weight loss journey all over again with my cousin Lisa, this time... Fast Metabolism Diet
100 - I have 71 Followers (went down a few... probably because people don't blog anymore) and my blog has been viewed 193,890 times and was mentioned in LDS living... which brought me some new viewers apparently)
So that is a wrap... it was a great year. Here's to another great year.
1 - Was released from being Activities Co-Chair
2 - Continued to take all of my nieces and nephews out for their birthdays (If they are around)
3 - Watched the Lunar Eclipse
4 - Went home to Santa Barbara to hang out with my sister Lori and family
5 - My niece Leila was born
6 - Drove Highway 1 for the first time (most beautiful road trip EVER)
7 - Met up with my friend James and explored Big Sur
8 - Went skeet shooting for work
9 - Helped put on the most magical tea party with some of my girl friends
10 - Went to the Tulip Festival
11 - Hosted some couch surfers from Switzerland which became good friends.
12 - Played The Lost Boy in my friends "Shake it Off Disney Style" music video that went viral. Also made a lot of friends from it.
13 - Went to the Payson Temple open house
14 - Went to the Philippines
15 - Went scuba diving with Whale Sharks (coolest. thing. ever)
16 - Got a massage on the beach
17 - Took a tour of the Underground River (which is one of the new 7 wonders of the natural world)
18 - Went to Bali
19 - Did my first ship wreck dive (coolest dive I have done to date)
20 - Stayed in a bungalow overlooking a rice field (Maybe one of the coolest places I have ever stayed in)
21 - Got to go to my niece, Sierra's, dance recital
22 - Went on a lot of dates (good and bad)
23 - Went on a TON of new hikes
24 - Accomplished my goal of exploring the outdoors every weekend (whether I went a lone or not)
25 - Watched Reanne perform in the Payson Temple Cultural celebration
26 - Made some new crafts
27 - Went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo again (pretty much the only rodeo I go to)
28 - Fell in love with Paddle Boarding (now planning on getting one of my own)
29 - Road tripped to Wyoming with a few friends
30 - Went White Water Rafting down the Snake River twice
31 - Sang in church a couple of times
32 - Slept in a Tipi (Teepee) for the first time
33 - Camped and explored Bryce Canyon with my friends
34 - Went to Calf Creek Falls for the first time (Awesome waterfall)
35 - First family trip in a LONG time to the Grand Canyon
36 - Went to Horseshoe Bend for the first time
37 - Played the Eveil Queen from Snow White and the Huntsman in my friends "Bad Blood" Parody music video
38 - Tried new recipes
39 - Threw more dinner parties
40 - Hung out and hiked with my Anderson cousins
41 - Went to Sand Hallow for the first time, did some paddle boarding
42 - Went to Zions, hiked the Narrows for the first time
43 - Attended my third salmon supper in Payson
44 - Helped my friend Sarah at her both at Craft Lake City (awesome event, totally want to go again)
45 - Hung out with my friend Rick in Chicago
46 - Hung out with my old pal Monica in Indiana
47 - Visited my cousin Trav in Indiana / Michigan (lots of lake time)
48 - Went fishing
49 - Camped at / explored Goblin Valley for the first time
50 - Hiked through my first slot canyons (Bell & Little Wild Horse)
51 - Attended the Rooftop Concert in Provo
52 - Bought my hammock (fell in love with it instantly)
53 - Played human bubble ball at work
54 - Lots of Jeeping with my friend Amber
55 - Attended Utah's first Lantern Festival (it was pretty magical)
56 - Broke down and sold my salt water fish tank
57 - Camped/ explored Moab with my friends
58 - Visited Canyonlands National Park for the first time
59 - Visited Deadhorse Point State Park for the first time
60 - Road tripped to Rexburg for the first time in 11 years (Stayed with my friend Holly)
61 - Hung out with my friend JaLayne from Massage Therapy school that I hadn't seen since her wedding 11 years earlier.
62 - Hiked/ Explored Grand Teton National Park
63 - Helped throw the cutest Fall/ Plaid party with some girl friends
64 - Played Maleficent in my friend's music video "I Can't Feel My Face" Parody featuring Disney Villains in the Thanksgiving Point Corn Maze
65 - For the first time in maybe my entire life I didn't dress up or do anything for Halloween (sad)
66 - Visited my sister Jamie in Arizona
67 - Surprised Stacey and saw him perform in Jesterz in AZ
68 - After 4 1/2 years, my Beta Fish (Purple Rain) died :(
69 - My awesome cousin Dave bought me a new Beta Fish from a local Breader (Luna)
70 - Novell became Micro Focus, I got a new boss & new team & a lot of my old team got let go and I got kicked out of my office and put in a cubicle :(
71 - The ENTIRE Mills/Anderson Family got together for Thanksgiving to all be with Grandma one last time. A day we will never forget.
72 - Started doing Photo shoots with my BFF Neighbor again
73 - Went to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights again
74 - Went to Brazil
75 - Spent my birthday hiking in Florianopolis, Brazil with my friend Stacey and partied with strangers at our hostel. It was epic!
76 - Went to Argentina (It counts, even if it was right over the border)
77 - Went to Iguazu Falls on the Brazil side & Argentina Side (It is also one of the 7 Wonders of the Natural World)
78 - Spent Christmas Morning at the Christ Redeemer Statue in Rio, Brazil (one of the 7 Wonders of the World)
79 - Went to a couple of Humor U shows to see my friend Ian perform
80 - Spent a lot of time with my sweet Grandma, including New Years Eve. No party this year, just quality time with my Grandma.
81 - Grandma Mills passed away :(
82 - Went snowshoeing
83 - Third Annual yurt trip (this time in the Uinta's)
84 - Went to the Provo City Center open house and dedication
85 - Met up with my couch surfer friend from Switzerland in Northern California to Roadtrip together
86 - Went to Yosemite for the firs time
87 - Went to Burney Falls for the first time
88 - Went to the Redwoods State Park for the first time
89 - Went to San Clemente for my Grandma's Memorial Service
90 - Went to Santa Barbara to hang out with Lori and family
91 - Went to Knapps Castle with Veda
92 - Went to the Mystic Hot Springs
93 - Attended my first Paint Nite (Loved it, want to go again)
94 - Celebrated 7 Years working at Novell/Micro Focus
95 - Went to Florida to visit Kirsten
96 - Went to Everglades National Park for the first time
97 - Visited Monument Valley for the first time
98 - Back to explore Moab/Arches for the I don't know how many times it has been at least 5 or 6
99 - Started my weight loss journey all over again with my cousin Lisa, this time... Fast Metabolism Diet
100 - I have 71 Followers (went down a few... probably because people don't blog anymore) and my blog has been viewed 193,890 times and was mentioned in LDS living... which brought me some new viewers apparently)
So that is a wrap... it was a great year. Here's to another great year.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Monticello, Utah Temple
There are currently 16 Temples in Utah. I have now been to 13 of them!
On our way to Monument Valley, we stayed in Monticello, Utah. I totally thought of my friend Logan. That is where he is from. While we were there, we checked out the temple. Cute little temple right in the neighborhood.
On our way to Monument Valley, we stayed in Monticello, Utah. I totally thought of my friend Logan. That is where he is from. While we were there, we checked out the temple. Cute little temple right in the neighborhood.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Utah Dining - Take 6
You may think you are about to get a list of restaurants... but really, I'm only going to talk about 1. Why? Because for being an hour away, I have eaten there more than a lot of other places that are minutes away from me.
The Main Street Grill
This restaurant is located in Price, Utah. You may be asking why I have been there 5 times since July. Well, it started on our way to Goblin Valley. We had started our road trip, but everyone was hungry for dinner. We said we would find a place to stop and eat on the way. We got to Price and looked up The Main Street Grill and thought that sounded like a great place to stop. It was! It was surprisingly delicious. So we decided that we would stop on our way back as well. We even asked for the same waitress, Mandy. We thought, Oh... Mandy will remember us and make a comment that we were back the next day. We were disappointed when she didn't react at all and we are pretty sure she didn't remember us. ha ha. Oh well, the food is still good.
The third time we went was on our way to Moab. We were excited to go eat there again. We didn't get Mandy this time, but we didn't care. The new people we took were not quite as impressed by it as we were, but I am convinced it is because they didn't order the right things. My food has always been great. there. We didn't stop on our way back.
My fourth time was tonight. Amber and I stopped there on our way to Monument Valley. Amber was hungry and wanted to stop... I told her I knew the perfect place and I hoped she would like it. She loved it. So we will be stopping on our way back from our weekend trip. Oh and guess what? We even got Mandy again as our waitress. ha ha. Small town, great food. I of course text the rest of my friends letting them know that I was there and they got a kick out of it.
If you are ever in Price and need a bite to eat... I suggest the Main Street Grill.
The Main Street Grill
This restaurant is located in Price, Utah. You may be asking why I have been there 5 times since July. Well, it started on our way to Goblin Valley. We had started our road trip, but everyone was hungry for dinner. We said we would find a place to stop and eat on the way. We got to Price and looked up The Main Street Grill and thought that sounded like a great place to stop. It was! It was surprisingly delicious. So we decided that we would stop on our way back as well. We even asked for the same waitress, Mandy. We thought, Oh... Mandy will remember us and make a comment that we were back the next day. We were disappointed when she didn't react at all and we are pretty sure she didn't remember us. ha ha. Oh well, the food is still good.
The third time we went was on our way to Moab. We were excited to go eat there again. We didn't get Mandy this time, but we didn't care. The new people we took were not quite as impressed by it as we were, but I am convinced it is because they didn't order the right things. My food has always been great. there. We didn't stop on our way back.
My fourth time was tonight. Amber and I stopped there on our way to Monument Valley. Amber was hungry and wanted to stop... I told her I knew the perfect place and I hoped she would like it. She loved it. So we will be stopping on our way back from our weekend trip. Oh and guess what? We even got Mandy again as our waitress. ha ha. Small town, great food. I of course text the rest of my friends letting them know that I was there and they got a kick out of it.
If you are ever in Price and need a bite to eat... I suggest the Main Street Grill.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 315
Happy St. Patricks Day! We are so close to Spring. I'm thrilled about it. I am just planning all of my adventures for the Spring and Summer.
I haven't been doing much since getting back from Florida. Just trying to get things done. That is what you have to do after vacation, get all the things done that you would have done if you were not on vacation. Go grocery shopping, water my plants, take care of my cute little Beta Fish, clean, laundry.... all of that good stuff.
I got back on Monday and went straight to work, so I was pretty exhausted. My flight left Florida at 6am which meant I had to get there at 5am which meant I had to get up a little after 4am which is really 1am Utah time and I didn't go to bed until after midnight. So after being up since the early hours of the morning, traveling, then going straight to work and working until 5... I was pretty excited to go home and get some rest. It made me not want to do much the next couple of days as well... so really, I didn't. ha ha... well, besides go to work.
Speaking of work, today we had a party celebrating 2 birthday's and St. Patrick's day. This has been our first food party since I started back up on my diet. It is SOOOOO hard to stay away from all the food that is 2 cubicles down from me that I pass by every time I get up to do anything. I did really well the first half of the day and stayed away.... but after I got back from the gym and had lunch, those treats were calling my name hard core. So.... I broke down and cheated and had a cookie and a rice crispy treat. I felt great and terrible about it at the same time. I just hope that one cheat doesn't stop my weight loss, otherwise I will be made at myself. If I am going to keep this up for long term though... I mean... I have to live right? Let myself enjoy food every once in a while. I am going to try not to obsess over it, I just can't let myself get carried away. I didn't weigh in this week because all of the traveling never does well for my number on the scale, so I just figured I will wait until next week. Until then, I am back on track and made my confession to my cousin and I'm back to being good. I was really good in Florida. I didn't cheat at all. I was proud of myself because when you are on vacation, it is the hardest to stay on track because you are off of your normal schedule, at least that is how I feel.
While I was in Florida, Kirsten got me to watch "Naked and Afraid". I was pretty interested after watching a couple of episodes, so when I got home, I decided to watch a season of it.... So I watched Naked and Afraid XL... where the entire season was about the same group of 12 surviving for 40 days instead of 2 people surviving for 21 days. Very Interesting. I got into it, but It didn't take me very long to finish it. Stacey came over on Tuesday night too and we watched the Bachelor Finale. Ben was by far my favorite Bachelor so far. We all have fun watching it together. Now I will probably catch up on other current shows and then I will need to find a new show to watch.
Sad news. My BFF Tech guy at work is no longer going to be my tech guy. He personally came to tell me the other day. I was super bummed because he helps me out so much... I mean, for like over the past year he has been helping me with my work computer and personal computer. The good news is, he got a new job within Micro Focus, so he will still be around. He told me I can still ask him questions online and if it is something he can tell me or quick fix by taking over my computer, he will still do it for me. What a great friend. I already miss him as my tech guy though. It's just not going to be the same.
I was contacted on Instagram by a restaurant in Salt Lake City. They told me they would give me a gift card to eat there for free if I would post about them on my Instagram account. You better believe I said absolutely. I will take free anything. I don't know why they contacted me since my account is all about nature and hikes and traveling... I NEVER post about food, but maybe I can make it appeal to my followers if I post the food outside somewhere. Anyway, I am excited to try it. It is Mediterranean Street Food. Yes please! Stacey is going to go with me. Should be fun. Instagram has brought me some pretty cool opportunities and free stuff. I hope it keeps going in that direction.
Today after work I watched the sunset at Utah Lake with my friend Amber. We decided we are going to go on a road trip tomorrow. I love that she is spontaneous. I would love to be that way more, but I feel like not very many of my friends are like that. We were chatting at the lake and she said, do you have plans this weekend? I said no. She said, want to go somewhere? I said, yeah, that would be fun. Where should we go? I said I have always wanted to go to Monument Valley, but nobody will go with me because they think it is too far of a drive. She says, ok, lets go. And that is that. we leave tomorrow after work. It will be awesome.
I haven't been doing much since getting back from Florida. Just trying to get things done. That is what you have to do after vacation, get all the things done that you would have done if you were not on vacation. Go grocery shopping, water my plants, take care of my cute little Beta Fish, clean, laundry.... all of that good stuff.
I got back on Monday and went straight to work, so I was pretty exhausted. My flight left Florida at 6am which meant I had to get there at 5am which meant I had to get up a little after 4am which is really 1am Utah time and I didn't go to bed until after midnight. So after being up since the early hours of the morning, traveling, then going straight to work and working until 5... I was pretty excited to go home and get some rest. It made me not want to do much the next couple of days as well... so really, I didn't. ha ha... well, besides go to work.
Speaking of work, today we had a party celebrating 2 birthday's and St. Patrick's day. This has been our first food party since I started back up on my diet. It is SOOOOO hard to stay away from all the food that is 2 cubicles down from me that I pass by every time I get up to do anything. I did really well the first half of the day and stayed away.... but after I got back from the gym and had lunch, those treats were calling my name hard core. So.... I broke down and cheated and had a cookie and a rice crispy treat. I felt great and terrible about it at the same time. I just hope that one cheat doesn't stop my weight loss, otherwise I will be made at myself. If I am going to keep this up for long term though... I mean... I have to live right? Let myself enjoy food every once in a while. I am going to try not to obsess over it, I just can't let myself get carried away. I didn't weigh in this week because all of the traveling never does well for my number on the scale, so I just figured I will wait until next week. Until then, I am back on track and made my confession to my cousin and I'm back to being good. I was really good in Florida. I didn't cheat at all. I was proud of myself because when you are on vacation, it is the hardest to stay on track because you are off of your normal schedule, at least that is how I feel.
While I was in Florida, Kirsten got me to watch "Naked and Afraid". I was pretty interested after watching a couple of episodes, so when I got home, I decided to watch a season of it.... So I watched Naked and Afraid XL... where the entire season was about the same group of 12 surviving for 40 days instead of 2 people surviving for 21 days. Very Interesting. I got into it, but It didn't take me very long to finish it. Stacey came over on Tuesday night too and we watched the Bachelor Finale. Ben was by far my favorite Bachelor so far. We all have fun watching it together. Now I will probably catch up on other current shows and then I will need to find a new show to watch.
Sad news. My BFF Tech guy at work is no longer going to be my tech guy. He personally came to tell me the other day. I was super bummed because he helps me out so much... I mean, for like over the past year he has been helping me with my work computer and personal computer. The good news is, he got a new job within Micro Focus, so he will still be around. He told me I can still ask him questions online and if it is something he can tell me or quick fix by taking over my computer, he will still do it for me. What a great friend. I already miss him as my tech guy though. It's just not going to be the same.
I was contacted on Instagram by a restaurant in Salt Lake City. They told me they would give me a gift card to eat there for free if I would post about them on my Instagram account. You better believe I said absolutely. I will take free anything. I don't know why they contacted me since my account is all about nature and hikes and traveling... I NEVER post about food, but maybe I can make it appeal to my followers if I post the food outside somewhere. Anyway, I am excited to try it. It is Mediterranean Street Food. Yes please! Stacey is going to go with me. Should be fun. Instagram has brought me some pretty cool opportunities and free stuff. I hope it keeps going in that direction.
Today after work I watched the sunset at Utah Lake with my friend Amber. We decided we are going to go on a road trip tomorrow. I love that she is spontaneous. I would love to be that way more, but I feel like not very many of my friends are like that. We were chatting at the lake and she said, do you have plans this weekend? I said no. She said, want to go somewhere? I said, yeah, that would be fun. Where should we go? I said I have always wanted to go to Monument Valley, but nobody will go with me because they think it is too far of a drive. She says, ok, lets go. And that is that. we leave tomorrow after work. It will be awesome.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Photo of the Week 313
I found a new spot to watch the sunset right up the street from where I live. I'm pretty excited about it.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Double Chin
So I just had to share this story because I am still laughing over it.
I'm at work. I have walked by my co-worker's desk a several times and noticed that she has a mirror right under her computer monitors. I never asked why. I thought it was weird because I certainly wouldn't want to stare at myself all day while I worked, but that's just me.
I kind of forgot about it until today when another one of my co-workers was decorating her desk after she left for her birthday. I saw it again and was reminded and made a comment on how weird I thought it was that she placed her mirror there. I mean... I get having one in your purse in case you need to see if there is anything stuck in your teeth or what not, but I not have one on your desk so you can stare at yourself all day. This co-worker had apparently asked about it already.
You want to know the reason she said? Absolutely I replied.
Apparently, she placed it there to remind herself that she has a double chin. If she has a visual constant reminder of her double chin, THEN she will remember to do her chin exercises. Say what? Yes, CHIN EXERCISES.
When she told me that I started laughing SO hard. I couldn't decide if I should be the one to tell her that the only way to get rid of a double chin was to lose weight... or if I should let her keep believe that so that I could someday catch her doing her "chin exercises" whatever those entail. I heard one of them involves sticking out your tongue.
I'm going to just let that sink in and have you picture it. I don't know about you, but I laughed for a long time. If ANYONE ever makes a comment to me about them having a double chin... I will be asking them if they are doing their chin exercises. Or that they need to do them. It's just too funny.
I'm at work. I have walked by my co-worker's desk a several times and noticed that she has a mirror right under her computer monitors. I never asked why. I thought it was weird because I certainly wouldn't want to stare at myself all day while I worked, but that's just me.
I kind of forgot about it until today when another one of my co-workers was decorating her desk after she left for her birthday. I saw it again and was reminded and made a comment on how weird I thought it was that she placed her mirror there. I mean... I get having one in your purse in case you need to see if there is anything stuck in your teeth or what not, but I not have one on your desk so you can stare at yourself all day. This co-worker had apparently asked about it already.
You want to know the reason she said? Absolutely I replied.
Apparently, she placed it there to remind herself that she has a double chin. If she has a visual constant reminder of her double chin, THEN she will remember to do her chin exercises. Say what? Yes, CHIN EXERCISES.
When she told me that I started laughing SO hard. I couldn't decide if I should be the one to tell her that the only way to get rid of a double chin was to lose weight... or if I should let her keep believe that so that I could someday catch her doing her "chin exercises" whatever those entail. I heard one of them involves sticking out your tongue.
I'm going to just let that sink in and have you picture it. I don't know about you, but I laughed for a long time. If ANYONE ever makes a comment to me about them having a double chin... I will be asking them if they are doing their chin exercises. Or that they need to do them. It's just too funny.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Lowdermilk Beach
Saturday Kirsten's husband, Dallas, took Daxton.... so Kirsten and I got a girls day. We went to another beach. Fort Lauderdale, you only get sunrises, not sunsets... we wanted to see a sunset, so we drove an hour to Lowderdale Beach.
It was the cutest beach with these straw umbrella's... so we found an empty one and we parked ourselves underneath. We chatted, we people watched and we took pictures and took in what a beautiful day it was.
When the sunset got closer, we moved our chairs by the ocean so that nobody would be in our view of the sunset. That almost happened until a couple sat down right in front of me and started making our and ruined the moment. Maybe a part of me is jealous that I don't have someone to do that with... but even if I did, I wouldn't make it a show in front of everyone, just not my style.
Anyway, great beach. Great day. Florida is a beautiful state.
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