
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Parties

Friday was party day for me. I had my work Christmas party and I had my ward Christmas party.

Something that is great about my work parties, is that they do them for lunch instead of dinner. This is great for many reasons. Reason #1- We get paid to party. Doing the party during your work day means you get to party and not work. We left work at 11:15 to get to Carrabba's at 11:30. Had a great lunch. Played some games (I won black out Bingo and got a big thing of Chocolate) and had a white elephant gift exchange. We hung out for a couple of hours and that was it. Low key, but nice. Reason #2- they let us go home when the party is over, so it is pretty close to having a paid day off. #3- I don't have to worry about bringing someone with me. I hate having to worry about bringing a date because everyone else is going to bring their spouse. Nope! This way... it is only us co-workers and it is fun and no pressure for me. :) Reason #4- I don't have to worry about the party overlapping with other Christmas plans, so I never have to choose. So that was great. Thank you Novell. This next week they will be doing a free meal at the cafe for the whole company. They have been doing that for each holiday, so that has been nice. They also (as a company) are doing the 12 days of Christmas... where they are giving out prizes to the people they select randomly from the company everyday. Every day there are 3 winners. I'm hoping that I am going to be a winner in one of the 12 days. My chances are not very good, but lets talk about how one of the first day prizes was two plane tickets to anywhere in the US. YES PLEASE!

That night was the ward Christmas party. So glad because my roommates were gone and I was SO lonely at my house. So I went to the party and it was set up very classy with lights and Christmas trees and nativities at every table. They served a nice dinner with ham and potatoes and rolls and for dessert, cheesecake! They had a nice Christmas program with beautiful music and a nice message from the Bishop at the end... in which they handed out gifts to everyone in the ward. A beautiful picture of Christ. It was a nice evening with friends and good food and the true meaning of Christmas. Liz and Oliver did a great job... as always.

I am thankful for both Oliver and Liz, not only for how much time and effort they put into the ward activities, but for both being such good friends to me. Lately I have just really needed people there for me. Sometimes I just need to talk out life and need reassurance that I'm doing ok. Some people walk the other way when I'm not in a happy mood all the time because they "don't need the drama in their life". Others go out of their way to make sure I'm okay... and that is what helps make me feel better. Oliver gets married in a week, but he could tell when I walked in that I was not as happy as I normally am and gave me a big hug and told me how glad he was that I was there. After the party, he even came by my house again to see how I was doing and to give me another hug. I'm going to miss him. He is truly one of the most caring people I know. Liz is the same way. She is always there for me to talk to. Making sure I'm not eating cookie dough all by myself. Never gets annoyed with me that I am not happy 24/7 and always willing to listen to me when I need to talk. She is so positive and caring of others. I wish I were more like that. I need these people in my life.


Lil Lizzie said...

LOVE THE PICTURE!! Tracy, you're the one that's the great friend...for reals. You are fabulous. Grateful to have you in my life. :) Glad neither of us has to eat cookie dough by ourselves haha. LOVE YA!

jamie hixon said...

Both parties sound great. And how wonderful to have such great friends. I'm glad they are there for you since I stink at being friends with everyone and I live so far away. Thanks for taking care of my sister, guys!