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Friday, April 30, 2010
Hello? Is it me your looking for?
#1- Lionel Richie is a teacher at a High School and he is in love with / stalking his student. When did anybody think that was going to be a good idea for a music video with already creepy lyrics?
#2- The girl he is in love with / stalking in BLIND! The poor girl doesn't even know that she has a creepy teacher.
#3- He is constantly following her, lurking behind in the halls and behind the lockers and doors. How is it that none of the other students notice the creepy teacher?
#4- At lunch, when he comes behind her and almost touched her hair (in the sunlight) and then the blind girl's friends come over. How guilty does he look right there for almost getting caught? Pretty guilty if you ask me.
#5- In the end the blind girl sculpts his face? Maybe she is just as creepy as he is?
#6- This is not about creepiness, but my sister Jamie noticed also that this blind girl has a RIDICULOUS amount of electives for being in High School.
Class 1- Theater
Class 2 - Music (flute)
Class 3- sculpting
Class4- Dance
Lunch Break... etc..
I would love to hear all of your input on this. Maybe its just me?
On the other hand, despite the songs creepy nature... it is quite popular. In fact... I was reminded of this experience at work with Tessa when I watched an episode of Glee a few weeks ago. The theme for the episode was singing songs about "Hello". So they sang this song. I actually really liked the arrangement too. You can watch it here. Then there was the Cookster. David Cook (American Idol Season 7 Winner- the last season that I loved and was devoted to) became a favorite with everyone (including me, except I loved Archie just as much) when he did his own rendition of this song. It became his signature song. That is the song he also opened with in concert (with the AI Tour). It is also the song that I sang to him when I met him. Don't judge me, I just wanted to get his attention and it worked! If you don't know what I am talking about, you can read about it here. Oh and watch David Cook sing it here.
Hello? Is it me your looking for?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 11
"I could write a blog. I have thoughts."Here are some random thoughts that I have had in the last week....
"You're not a writer unless someone publishes you."
"See, that's what's so great about blogs. You don't have
to be published.You can just go online, press enter and
there it is, out there."
- from the movie Julie & Julia
#1-I know that we had a pretty mild winter this year.... but now that it is almost May, it would be really great if it could warm up and stay warm. I'm done with the teasers.
#2-This weekend, my ward did two service projects. The first one, we got together with the kids that our ward tutors and we made cards. There were way more adults then there were kids... but the kids that did come had fun. I was helping 3 kids write messages inside the cards and helping them decorate and I had a blast. I also made a couple of cards. All together everyone made 75 cards. For a service activity... it was a pretty good turn out from our ward.
On Sunday, we got back together for the second part of the service activity. We took all the cards that were made to "Medallion Manner" which is a home for Mentally challenged patients of all ages. They were SO excited to get the cards. We even had some that were personally addressed to the patents there. It totally made their day. I was sad that this activity, the turn out from our ward was not so good. There were only a handful of people that went, but I am happy that my roommates and I went. They were so happy that we came, they just wanted to shake our hands and talk to us. One of the guys even started flirting with me. Told me I was cute and would wink at me and wouldn't let go of my hand when he would shake it. It was very funny. But my favorite part of our time there was when one of the patients played "Sweet Caroline" on his tape player and everyone in the room sang a long and Ashlee and I started dancing and some of the patients joined us. Maybe you had to be there, but I thought it was awesome.
Doing service just makes me happy. Helping people, giving of yourself and your time. Seeing people in these hard circumstances makes me realize how blessed I am and that I should give more. Both service projects were great experiences.
#3- I love my job environment. It is not just because I have my own office, but I love my co-workers. I have worked at a handful of different jobs and this is the first where there is NO DRAMA! It is SO nice. I even expressed to my some of my co-workers how nice it has been and how much I appreciate them. I don't think it is just the fact that everyone is older than me by almost 10 years (some more some a little less) but it is the kind of people that they are. Everyone makes a special effort to be nice and friendly and not talk behind each others backs, to stick up for each other. I used to just think it was age that made someone mature.... but its really not. I wish I could say all of the departments at Novell are like my department (Contracts) but I don't see it in all other departments. I must say it is refreshing and it makes work enjoyable. I never dread going to work, I enjoy my co-workers company. It's nice.
#4- I had a record breaking visiting teaching appointment on Tuesday. My visiting teacher and I visited for 4 hours. It was awesome. If you want to count the hour that we went tutoring together... that makes 5. My visiting teacher has become a very good friend, and for that... I think visiting teaching is great. I may not have gotten to know her as well otherwise.
#5- Speaking of tutoring.... story for this week happened during play time. Seeing kids cheat during the games they are playing is normal. What was not so normal to see were 3 little girls drawing pictures on the white board. Rob from the ward drew a Pirate Ship, so he left and the girls continued to draw haunted trees, skeletons, and many other creepy things. When they were done they wrote on the board "Please don't erase Haunted Dead Island Hell". Um What? What happened to little girls wanting to draw princesses and Fairytale things? Again, should I be worried?
#6- I'm not a big TV watcher. I don't like being addicted to shows to the point where I plan my life around them, plus that... I just don't think there are a lot of great shows on TV anyway. I used to be huge into American Idol, but I have even stopped watching that. When I don't have anything to do and want to relax in front of the TV, I usually watch the Food Network or HGTV, "What Not to Wear" or "Project Runway". I must admit though that I am one of the many that have been sucked into "Glee". I love all of the characters, I think it is very cleaver.... and lets be honest, I love musicals and I have been waiting a long time for there to be a musical TV show. I love the variety of songs they choose. New, Old, Broadway, etc... this week Rob and I watched "The Wiz" because he had never seen it. On Glee this week, the closing number was "Home" from the Wiz. How awesome is that? Anyway... the show has its unnecessary moments, but it mostly has good moral lessons and is a feel good show that a lot of the times gets me emotional because its so sweet AND its funny. Plus, I don't have to watch it on TV in order to watch it. They have all the episodes on Hulu (online) for free so I can watch anytime. Anywho... I heart Glee. The end.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Photo of the Week 9

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Lunch Dates
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sock Puppets
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010
If You Liked It, Then You Shoulda Put A Ring On It!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 10
I realize that relationships are all different and that they are complicated and by no means am I claiming to know anything. I am still single, so I obviously have not figured it out. I guess what I am trying to say is... why does it have to be so complicated? Does it seem like this to anyone else?
Recently I got a phone call from one of my best friends. He called to tell me that he was engaged. I always thought that when the day came for him to get engaged, I would be so excited for him. But I wasn't as happy for him as I should have been. Why? Because he had only spent two weekends with this girl which was approximately 3 dates AND they are long distance. I don't care how much you have talked on the phone with this person, THEY DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER! Because I am one of his best friends I felt like I had the obligation to tell him he is insane and that I don't think it is smart. After that is said, he has my love and support. But I have to say something. I realize there are exceptions and that some people really do know after such a short period of time and it turns out fine, but it if the answer is right now, it will be right in another 6 months right? What do you have to lose by waiting? You will either find out that you really are not right for each other OR you will grow to love each other even more deeply because of what you have experienced together, but why take that chance? Why make a HUGE life decision on knowing a person for a few weeks? I just know that I dated someone for over a year and found out that he was a very different person than who I thought I fell in love with. I understand that anyone you marry, it is going to be a risk, but I think you can make it less of a risk by really getting to know someone before you marry them.
Also recently, I have found out that there are 3 women that used to work with at my previous job that have gotten a divorce within the last year. One of them was married for 4 years and has a daughter, one of them was married for a 2 years or so and has a daughter and the last one was just barely married a year (had only dated a couple months before getting married) and is pregnant. Knowing this, would it not make you a little more cautious when choosing your marriage partner? I know there are good reasons to get out of a marriage, but I feel like at the same time a lot of it could have been avoided by really getting to know someone before getting married. I also realize people can change, but usually you see signs (if you date long enough). I also believe that A LOT of marriages fail because of selfishness and lack of trying. Do people enter into marriage thinking that it is going to be a fairy tail Happily Ever After? Do people think that if the marriage requires work then it is not a good marriage? Is it because people are lazy? I don't understand it, but I wish I did. These couples were once in love enough to want to spend the rest of their lives and eternity together. What changed? Why did they stop trying? One of my biggest fears is that I can try everything I can to make a relationship work, but in the end... the other person still has their agency and can give up on me and the relationship will still fail.
On the other hand, I am surrounded by older guys (in their 30's) that don't even date. I realize that these are complicated times. By this age, you have seen friends and family go through divorce, bad marriages, and a lot of other heartache. It becomes easier to just be single than want to risk going through that. A part of this makes sense to me, it is fun and sometimes easy to be single, but I still long to have someone to love and to have that loved returned. I have a desire to start a family, we are social creatures and are not meant to be a lone. It is a proven fact that men are happier and live longer when they are married. So then why is it such a challenge to get these guys to want to get married? I know personally that when I was in love, it was worth every sacrifice to me. I was so much happier in a relationship, even when things were not perfect, it was still worth being in a fight to be with someone that I really loved and loved me back. And with every struggle we had it made me understand him more and learn and grow to have a better relationship and be a better and less selfish person. Marriage is hard work, but I also believe it brings the greatest blessings and happiness. My parents and siblings are good examples of this. They all have great marriages. Not perfect, but great... because they work to make it that way (my siblings AND their spouses). It takes two! Because of their work in their marriage, each have great kids that are being raised in stable, healthy and loving homes. That is a lot more than most kids get now (which I am really seeing in the tutoring program).
A conversation was overheard on Sunday. One guy (35) was talking to one of the new guys in our ward. He was explaining that the ratio in the ward was so bad that the guys were really feeling sorry for the girls and even started to pray for the girls. He explained how this ward change was an answer to prayer because it brought more guys into the ward. This would be a nice thought, if he wasn't making us girl sound desperate to the new guy AND if the guy (35) actually dated any of the girls himself. But he doesn't. (Am I missing something here?)
I realize that I am just rambling, and I don't know if there will ever be an easy answer for any of this... but, I just hope that I find a man that will love me for exactly who I am and won't ever want to give up on me, that will want to work hard on marriage with me and because of that we will have a happy, fun and successful marriage. If not.... I guess I will continue to dream about Mr. Darcy.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Photo of the Week 8

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
70's Birthday Bash

Monday, April 19, 2010
Pride and Prejudice Tea Party

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Tulip Festival
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Pirate Island

Friday, April 16, 2010
General Mills

*Side Note* Whoever had the best video won the trophy. So we ended up getting the trophy back that we stole. Funny? I think it kind of is. :o)

P.S. Just because I am curious... what was your favorite part?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 9
I Am…
A Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
A Daughter
A Granddaughter
A Sister
A Niece
A Cousin
An Aunt (to the cutest kids ever)
A Friend
A Roommate
A Novell Contract Specialist
A Massage Therapist
A Graduate
A Californian
A Utah Resident
A Co-Worker
A Tutor
A Traveler
A Photographer
A Singer
A Dancer (mostly tap)
A Crafter
A Cook
A Writer
A Pianist (okay, so I mostly play by ear… but at least I can kind of play)
A Camper
A Blogger
Obsessed with Musicals
A Chocoholic
Sensitive (too much sometimes)
A Neat Freak
A Seasonal Disneyland Cast Member
An HCG Success Story
An Animal Lover
Not a Morning Person
A Cake Decorator
A Fashion Consultant
An Interior Decorator
A Karaoke Diva
Obsessed with Music of all kinds
A Make-Up Artist
A Kid at Heart
An Expert Rock Band Player (this is where my inner nerd comes out)
A 5k Runner (I should probably work on becoming more than that. Ha ha)
Certified in First Aid & CPR
Goal Oriented
A Painter
A Mac User (barely converted)
A Gardener
The Dress-Up Queen
A Giver
Not capable of getting tan (every time I try, I burn)
A Party Planner
A Brunette on the Internet
Who am I?
I am Tracy Jean Mills

Tutoring Story
Boy: “Ya, my teacher gave me a note to give to my mom about me going to summer school, but I burned it and threw it in the gutter before I got home”
Us: “What? Why did you do that?”
Boy: “I don’t want to go to summer school”
Us: “Maybe we should write your teacher a note saying you burned it so she can send your mom another note”
Boy: “No way! I don’t want to go to summer school. I have no idea why the cop stopped me on my home from school today…”
Us: “Umm… did he think you were lost? Maybe he wanted to make sure you were getting home okay?”
Boy: “No, he searched my back pack. I mean… I didn’t have anything; I don’t know why he was searching my backpack”
Us: “What? Was it because you burned the note from your teacher and threw it in the gutter? Were you looking suspicious? Cops usually don’t stop you for no reason at all”
Boy: “No, this was not the same day I burned the note. He didn’t find anything in my backpack. He pulled out pens, paper, candy, a gun…..”
Us: “WHAT? A gun? Why do you have a gun in your backpack?”
Boy” “Ya, a bee bee gun. We were shooting each other with them. I actually got hit in the face.”
Us: “Wow, this story just gets more and more interesting now doesn’t it? Even if it is a bee bee gun, you should not have it in your backpack and you should not be shooting each other with them, so I can see why the cop stopped you.”
Boy: “Well, we had helmets on”
Us: “But you just told us you got shot in the face, so obviously… still dangerous. You shouldn't be doing this.”
Boy: “Ya, the cop only got half way to hand cuffing me…”
Me: “How much of this story is true?”
Boy: “Mostly all of it”
HA! What the heck? I was really starting to get worried about these kids getting into so much trouble at such a young age. First we had to stop a gang fight last week and this week we are hearing these stories? I wonder how much of what he said was really true and what he said for attention. I can’t quite tell. Either way… I feel bad for these kids. I obviously had never been to this part of
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Photo of the Week 7

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Laser Tag
Monday, April 12, 2010
Cup Cakes
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Be Prepared
Friday, April 9, 2010
I have to admit when this movie came out (on my birthday) I wasn't really pumped to see it at all. I actually thought it looked retarded. When my friend Monica told me that she not only loved it, but wanted to see it again, I wanted to be there to witness it. I only say this because Monica is A.D.D. and can't sit through movies unless it is Joe "Dirt" or "Miracle". Knowing Avatar was 3 hours long, if Monica liked it, I was willing to give it a chance. So I left work early on a Friday and went with Mo & her hubby to the IMAX theater to see it in 3D. It wasn't the best story line by any means.... but the visual affects were stunning. For that a lone I recommend the movie. They do create a beautiful wold in this movie and the Avatar's are interesting. We know that each Avatar was modeled after the actor behind the voice... so who would not be curious of what YOUR Avatar would look like? I know I was. I uploaded a picture of me, and this is what I got. What do you think? Would you be able to recognize my Avatar as me?

Just in case you want to try for yourself... you know, to see what you look like as an Avatar, I went here.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Confessions of a Brunette on the Internet 8
Today I went to the court house to try and file for small claims court. I had NO idea how much paperwork is involved! It is kind of crazy. It is also kind of expensive, but worth it to get your money back. I guess it is good to learn how it all works, but I sure hope I never have to file small claims court on someone again.
I have really been able to tell this week that it is Spring Break. The Novell parking lot has been pretty empty... some of my co-workers have been gone spending time with their kids, and ALL the teachers (and there are a lot) in my ward are vacationing. Makes me wish that I had a Spring Break... but alas, I do not. Instead I can go wherever I want whenever I want as long as I have the Paid Time Off for it... which currently, I have TONS! Believe me, I am saving it for something AWESOME!
Last Friday I had lunch with my friend Liisa. We had Indian food, it was YUMMY! We ended up talking for 2 hours. She has become such a great friend and I really appreciate her. I had a great time. Hopefully we will be hanging out again soon. I love my lunch dates with friends. Such a great break for me from work and a perfect time to catch up one on one with people that I really care about.
Every week when Sara B and I go to tutoring, we never really know how it is going to go down. Some weeks there are tons of kids, other weeks, hardly any. There are hardly any consistent people that go to help, some weeks the kids are good, some weeks you can't get them to sit down and read to save your life. This week Sara and I were the first people (to help) there... this is pretty normal. We brought a veggie tray thinking... maybe they would eat some. They all crowded that tray and devoured the veggies like they had not eaten anything all day. Maybe they didn't. Even when we were going to take the left overs and toss them, the kids were stuffing their pockets with pea pods and carrots so they would have food for later and one kid took the rest of the tray. You would think we had candy or something. After spending a long time trying to get them to settle down, we finally got to some reading and on our way out had to break up a fight outside with some other kids. It was kind of intense for how young these kids are. Do gangs really start that young? You just never know what is going to happen when you go to tutor those kids.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Photo of the Week 6

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Survivor - Provo

Monday, April 5, 2010
Strawberry Cheesecake Trifle
2-8 oz. packages cream cheese
2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup sour cream
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/2 pint whipping cream
1 tablespoon sugar