The temple reminds me of my eternal worth
The temple reminds me of joys beyond this earth
I love this house of holiness
Where ord'nances divine
Bring forth the blessings of God's love
And they can all be mine
Have you seen the temple
On a dark and quiet night
Have you felt the power of
Its majesty and light
Its spires reach up to heaven
Its doors call out to me
"Come enter in and find the joys
That last eternally"
The temple reminds me of my eternal worth
The temple reminds me of joys beyond this earth
I want to be found clean and pure
Upholding every truth
That I may enter in God's house
As He would have me do
Words by Joy Saunders Lundberg
Music by Janice Kapp Perry
Last night was very special. I went through the temple for the first time. I always thought that my first time through would be when I got married or if I had decided to serve a mission, you know... when you need to go through, but I have to say.... it was kind of neat to come to a point in my life where I didn't have to go through.... but I wanted to go through and I felt ready. I decided in the fall that I wanted to go through, but I wanted to really prepare myself and be very spiritually ready and have worked to get to that point. I'm so glad I did. It was a very special experience. I was very blessed to have a lot of my family there. Of course I understood that some of my siblings couldn't make it, but I was happy for the ones that came. It was so special to have my mom and dad by my side helping me every step of the way.
I know that the Provo Temple gets pretty busy and crowded, so for my first time through, I decided to go to the Timpanogos Temple instead. It was beautiful. Loved it.
My sweet roommate Ashlee was so excited for me to go through the temple for the first time, so she made me a white cake. She spent two days decorating it to try and make it look like the Timpanogos Temple. It was awesome! I love it. It was so sweet to have someone decorate a cake for me and celebrate this special time in my life. (for those of you who are wondering about my diet, we ate it the night before... the day before I started the diet)
A special thank you to my wonderful family and friends for loving me and supporting me every step I take in my life. It means the world to me. Love you all!
*Side note* I decided to go do baptisms one more time before going through the temple. When I went they gave me family names AND I got to do 15 names! That is a record for me. I used to go every week for over 3 years and never did that many at a time. I thought it was awesome for my last time doing baptisms.*