
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Remember my good friend Rob Burton? We had 5 years of good times together in the ward. Remember when he left and moved to the east coast? Well... since he left I have received a few phone calls and text messages from him here and there. My last phone call from him was at the end of September or beginning of October and he was calling not only to say hi, but that he was coming to Utah to visit! He wanted me to help him plan a get together with everyone he knew in the area that would be in town while he was in town. I was more than happy to help out. I was so excited that he was coming. I put it on my calendar right away.

When Rob first got in town, he and his brother Tom came to church with me. The few left in the ward that knew him were so excited when he walked in with me. Everyone that knows Rob, loves him.

Then on Saturday we got together for dinner at Goodwood and after dinner people came to my house to gather and socialize and spend time with Rob. Lots of people stopped by and I just love having people at my house... so I was excited when Rob asked if we could do it at my house. I also got to see some friends that I don't get to see as much anymore. So fun to catch up with everyone. This last Sunday he came to my ward again and then I said goodbye.

Here is Rob, imitating Bane from Batman. You see why he is so fun to have around? Seriously.

So fun to have Rob in town. Who knows when I will see him again. I'm just so glad that he called and I got to spend as much time with him as I did. It was just like old times.


Karen Ella said...

So sad I missed him. :(

jamie hixon said...

Spoiler alert! I haven't seen the newest Batman. ;)

Sounds like a good time. People know who to call to throw a good party. ;)