
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Monday, May 4, 2015

Payson Temple

On Thursday I was able to go with some people in my ward to the new Payson Temple open house. I love going to Temple Open houses. I love exploring the beautiful temples and marveling in their beauty and trying to figure out the theme in each temple and what makes them unique.

The theme in the Payson temple is the Apple Blossoms. Cool fact, on the bottom floors of the temple you there are just the flower buds... as you go up the floor and make your way up the temple, they Apple Blossoms open more and more until the very top floor where they are in full bloom. It is really beautiful.

I always love to go to the temple, especially seeing new temples. I am thankful I got to go with my ward and I'm thankful I was able to go at all. I didn't think I would have time before my trip and by the time I get back there will only be a few days left of the open house.

Such a beautiful temple!

1 comment:

jamie hixon said...

What a gorgeous temple, and how cool about the apple blossoms! That was the temple where we got chased off the grounds when we did our temple scavenger hunt... I guess we weren't supposed to go passed the gates at the time. Oops.