
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saturday Mountain Adventures

Saturday's I am always torn. It's my day break from work. Sunday I feel like I don't get much done because of church... so Saturday I want to be outside... but it is also the day I need to get things done because I don't the rest of the week. I don't really get to be outside the rest of the week either.

I made a goal at the beginning of summer to do something outside every weekend. Summer and fall are pretty much over, but I still want to continue doing something outside, even if it is just driving through the mountains.

So today I felt super awesome.... because I got to sleep in, which I love. I also cleaned the kitchen and my bathroom and the living room and watered my plants and cleaned the fish bowl and did laundry. I went food shopping and got my pile of clothes to take to my sister and sister in law the next day. I was super productive. ALSO I went on a drive up Provo Canyon and American Fork Canyon. The Alpine Loop is closed now, so I had to drive to each one separately instead of driving through as I planned. Oh well. It was cold... but it was pretty. It was nice to drive through the beautiful mountains and take some pictures.

Now... if only I could find someone who wanted to do this with me...

1 comment:

jamie hixon said...

You look cute in a beanie. And that does look cold.