
A Girl Should Be Two Things: Classy & Fabulous. - Coco Chanel


Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patty's Day

Happy St. Patty's Day. This is a holiday that I have never really gotten excited about or super into. However, I still enjoy attending parties and wearing green.

Today I haven't really done much to celebrate. I celebrated more on Friday with the Relief Society. We had a green dinner. So we will just say I celebrated early.

It was kind of a weird and emotional day for me... however I did wear green. In fact, I'm good at that. I love wearing green, so I have been sporting green all week (last two Sunday's and during the work week). I also am wearing mint green nail polish which John told me was a weird color and reminded him of a frog. I happen to love itNow that I think of it... it would be fun to see how many outfits I could put together with all of the different green that I have in all different shades. Like these ones I have been wearing this week... (I LOVE my olive green pants that I bought in September... thank you girls at Bohme for convincing me to buy them... in fact that entire outfit is from that store)


Jessica Stark said...

You have the cutest style! You need to come up to Idaho Falls and be my personal shopper! :)

Tracy Mills said...

Jess. I would LOVE to. Let's shop together. :)

jamie hixon said...

You look so good in green, you gorgeous girl!