In keeping with tradition, it is time for me to blog about the Olympics again because I love them so much. I started blogging about the Olympics in
2008 and continued in
Where do I even begin? I was so excited for the Olympics long before they ever even started. My whole ward was actually. I decided that I was going to make a medal count poster (which Tara helped me with) and it would be passed around to each house that had signed up to have people over to watch the Olympics. So every night for the two weeks someone would host watching the Olympics at their house and provide treats. So fun to cheer all together, but I only did it for a week.... because I got too annoyed with everyone talking when I wanted to hear what was going on.
It started with the opening ceremonies that we watched as a ward and ate pizza. Sara and Tara even drew the US flag and Olympic rings on people's faces to show Olympic spirit. I was all about that. As far as the Opening Ceremonies go, it had it's cool moments, but overall... I was kind of bored.
Onto the highlights of the Olympics for me.
Hands down my favorite events to watch in the Summer Olympics is Gymnastics and Swimming. I love it all, but won't miss these. The guys were a little hard to watch. Just because they would be doing so well... and then mess something up and it would be over. They didn't even medal. I still loved watching them though. I wish they would have shown more of the rings (not just the individual event) because that is my favorite and they didn't really show it on the team or all around. They also loved not showing us the score which was very frustrating. I got most frustrated with the Pommel Horse. That is the event that really screwed us over. I nick named it the Pommel Horse of Satan.
The girls on the other hand were amazing to watch. They rocked every body's socks off. They did amazing! So amazing that they ended up with gold which hasn't happened in a long time. It was sad to see Jordyn do so well and barely not qualify to compete in the individual all around. Kind of not fair.
However... Gabby really came through and rocked all arounds and won another gold! She is so cute. She was amazing to watch on the uneven bars. They call her the flying squirrel. However, on the individual events.... she didn't do so great. Leaving with 2 golds is nothing to cry about though.
Next up, swimming. First off, we have so many awesome swimmers for the US that I can't even touch on them all. I will tell you that my favorite girl was this cute 17 year old that is going back to high school this year with some gold medals around her neck. Imagine the conversations with her friends... "What did you accomplish this summer guys? Me? Just competed in the Wold Olympics and left with a few medals.... no big deal". Wow. I kept forgetting she was 17 until she would talk about her crush on Justin Beiber.

The guys were also great. A lot of people were giving Michael Phelps a hard time because he had slacked off and didn't train for the Olympics until like 9 months before. Well.... from what I hear, he wasn't even sure if he was going to compete in this Olympics until then. I'm glad he did. This is his last one, but I still cheered for him and wished for him to win every time. He left with more medals and has now made history for the most decorated Olympian in history. WOW!!! Could you even imagine? I still think he is awesome and am a little sad that this is his last Olympics. I will miss cheering for him. He is an amazing swimmer. I also loved the South African swimmer that watched Phelps for years and was so excited to be swimming next to him that he would give him hugs after every race. He even beat him once. Dream come true for him. So cute.

Our other men swimmers so amazing too. Everyone was beating world and Olympic records all over the place. We have so many great swimmers representing the USA.
I didn't watch a ton of volleyball, but a little... and these awesome ladies are still rockin and winning gold after many years. They are fun to watch.
Track and Field. I didn't get to watch a ton of it, but what I did watch was awesome. It is amazing how fast people can run AND jump hurdles. It just amazes me. I watched our girls win gold in the relay. They were way ahead and almost broke the world record.
Our guys were great too... but of course all the talk about about Bolt from Jamaica. Yes, he is the fastest man in the world and he knows it. He made that VERY clear. I swore if I heard him say his was a legend one more time.... it got annoying that is all. USA came up close those, they still should be proud.
I was also amazed with the guy from South Africa that raced with no legs. His story was touching. That is one of my favorite parts of the Olympics is hearing all the stories about the athletes. Makes it so much more personal.
Besides track and field, the last thing I watched was diving. I first watched the men get silver in synchronized diving, which was awesome.... but then there was individual diving. I was of course cheering for both US guys. They both made it through prelims, but just barely for David Boudia. He was in 17th place (the bubble) as they call it. In the final round... he delivered! He won gold! I could hardly believe it watching him the first night barely making it to the finals and then in the finals getting first place. It was so awesome and USA had not won a gold in the event for a long time. AMAZING!

I loved watching my nieces be really excited about the Olympics too and imitate things they saw on tv and wanting to do Olympic sports. I just love how the Olympics brings everyone together. I have so much pride for our country. I still think I would really love to be at the Olympics one day. That would be amazing. Once again, I love the Olympics, but glad they are over so I can go back to my life. Final medal count? We rocked!! Most medals and most golds. Take that China!

Along with being excited about the for real Olympics, our ward had Olympics too, with preliminaries and everything. Wondering what the events were that you could sign up for? Well, there were word and math problems, putting together puzzles, 3 point shoot, Nerf gun target shooting, pentathlon of awesomeness (which included things like holding your breath the longest, squatting the longest etc...) pie eating contest, 4 mile run, interpretive dance (which I was a judge) and Just Dance on the Wii which in the Prelims I got 2nd place but in the finals got 3rd. It was the only event I entered. It was pretty fun. We even had a medal ceremony. Love my ward.